
       张靖,男,1974年1月生,山西文水人,现任山西大学光电所所长和量子光学与光量子器件国家重点实验室主任,国家杰出青年基金获得者、长江学者特聘教授、国家重点研发计划项目首席科学家、国家基金委创新群体带头人、国家杰出专业技术人才、国家中青年科技领军人才、美国光学学会会士(OSA Fellow)、美国物理学会会士(APS Fellow)。
      1995年毕业于武汉华中科技大学光电子专业,2001年于山西大学光学专业毕业并获博士学位。2000年1月-- 2000年4月在日本国家计量研究所从事全固化单频绿光激光器碘分子光频标的实验研究。2002年3月-- 2003年9月在英国威尔 士班戈大学S. L. Braunstein教授量子信息小组做博士后。2003年9月-- 2004年9月在法国巴黎高等师范学校(ENS)物理系Kastler-Brossel实验室C. Salomon教授小组开展超冷费米气体的实验研究。2004年9月,回到山西大学光电研究所,从事连续变量量子通信和超冷原子的实验与理论工作。2007年8月,在国内首次实现费米气体量子简并;2012年,在国际上首次实验产生了自旋轨道耦合的量子简并费米气体。
       主要从事连续变量量子信息、超冷原子、以及激光技术等方面的研究。主持多项国家和省部级项目,包括主持国家重点研发计划项目1项(项目首席),国家973课题3项和国家基金重点项目2项。先后发表论文百余篇,在国内外学术刊物Nature 子刊、Phys. Rev. Lett.、 Phys. Rev. A等杂志上发表论文百余篇,被SCI他人引用4000余次。获多项荣誉,其中,“全固体化单模单频绿光激光器”获2002年度国家技术发明二等奖;“半导体激光器强度和位相噪声的实验与理论研究”获2003年度山西省科技进步一等奖; “光场量子信息与量子通信的实验与理论研究”获第五届饶毓泰基础光学二等奖;“纠缠态光场及连续变量量子通信研究”获2006年度国家自然科学二等奖;2007年获得国家杰出青年基金的资助,2008年作为负责人获国家自然科学基金创新研究群体科学基金,2009年获长江学者特聘教授,“连续变量多组份纠缠及其在量子信息网络中的应用研究”获2010年度山西省自然科学一等奖。2014年荣获“全国杰出专业技术人才”荣誉称号。2017年作为带头人入选“全国高校黄大年式教师团队” ,2018年入选美国光学学会会士(OSA Fellow),2019年美国物理学会会士(APS Fellow),2020年获得第二届“科学探索奖”。目前,他已培养毕业硕士和博士生30多名。其中,指导的博士研究生王鹏军的学位论文《超冷玻色费米气体的集体原子反冲行为和Feshbach共振》获得全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖;指导的博士研究生付正坤于2013年在Nature Phys.发表学术论文 ;指导的博士研究生黄良辉于2016年在Nature Phys.发表学术论文,并入选“中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文”,其学位论文获2016年度全国光学优秀博士学位论文奖。还曾获政府特殊津贴,国家万人计划科技创新领军人才,新世纪国家百千万人才,山西省高等学校拔尖创新人才,山西省“新世纪学术技术带头人 333 人才工程”,三晋学者,山西省五一劳动奖章等。



Tunable flux through a synthetic hall tube of neutral Fermions

Physical Review A 102, 063327(2020)

Hall tube with a tunable flux is an important geometry for studying quantum Hall physics, but its experimental realization in real space is still challenging. Here, we propose to realize a synthetic Hall tube with tunable flux in a one-dimensional optical lattice with the synthetic ring dimension defined by atomic hyperfine states. We investigate the effects of the flux on the ...

Photoassociation spectroscopy of weakly bound 87Rb2 molecules near the 5P1/2 + 5S1/2 threshold by optical Bragg scattering in Bose-Einstein condensates

Physical Review A 102, 053326(2020)

We report the high-resolution photoassociation (PA) spectroscopy of a 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) to excited molecular states near the dissociation limit of 5P1/2 + 5S1/2 by optical Bragg scattering. Since the detection of optical Bragg scattering in the BEC has a high signal-noise ratio, we obtain the high-resolution PA spectrum of excited molecular...

A FinFET with one atomic layer channel

Nature Communications 10, 1205(2020)

Since its invention in the 1960s, one of the most significant evolutions of metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MOS-FETs) would be the three dimensionalized version that makes the semiconducting channel vertically wrapped by conformal gate electrodes, also recognized as FinFET. During the past decades, the width of fin (Wfin) in FinFETs has shrunk...

Experimental realization of spin-tensor momentum coupling in ultracold Fermi gases

Physical Review A  102, 013309(2020)

We experimentally realize spin-tensor momentum coupling (STMC) using three ground Zeeman states coupled by three Raman laser beams in an ultracold atomic system of 40K Fermi atoms. This type of STMC consists of two bright-state bands as a spin-orbit coupled spin-1/2 system and one dark-state middle band. Using radio-frequency spin-injection spectroscopy...

Gate tunable giant anisotropic resistance in ultra-thin GaTe

Nature Communications 10, 2302(2019)

Anisotropy in crystals arises from different lattice periodicity along different crystallographic directions, and is usually more pronounced in two dimensional (2D) materials. Indeed, in the emerging 2D materials, electrical anisotropy has been one of the recent research focuses. However, key understandings of the in-plane anisotropic resistance in low-symmetry...

Preparation of bipartite bound entangled Gaussian states in quan tum optics

Physical Review A 100, 022309(2019)

The positivity of the partial transpose is in general only a necessary condition for separability. There exist quantum states that are not separable, but nevertheless are positive under the partial transpose. States of this typeare known as bound entangled states, meaning that these states are entangled but they do not allow distillation of pure entanglement...

Electric-field control of magnetism in a few-layered van der Waals ferromagnetic semiconductor

Nature Nanotechnology 13,554(2018)

Manipulating a quantum state via electrostatic gating has been of great importance for many model systems in nano-electronics. Until now, however, controlling the electron spins or, more specifically, the magnetism of a system by electric-field tuning has proven challenging. Recently, atomically thin magnetic semiconductors have attracted significant...

Quantum secret sharing among four players using multipartite bound entanglement of an optical field

Physical Review Letters 121, 150502(2018)

Secret sharing is a conventional technique for realizing secure communications in information networks, where a dealer distributes to n players a secret, which can only be decoded through the cooperation of k(n/2<kn) players. In recent years, quantum resources have been employed to enhance security of secret sharing, which has been named quantum...

Controllable coupled-resonator-induced transparency in a dual-recycled Michelson interferometer

Physical Review A 98, 953804(2018)

We theoretically and experimentally study the effect of the coupled-resonator-induced transparency in theMichelson interferometer with the dual-recycled configuration, which is equivalent to the adjustable coupled resonator. The coupling strength, corresponding to the splitting of the reflection spectrum and associated with the width of the coupled-resonator-induced...

Universal feature in optical control of a p-wave Feshbach resonance

Physical Review A 97, 012702(2018)

We report the experimental results on the optical control of a p-wave Feshbach resonance by utilizing a laser-driven bound-to-bound transition to shift the energy of a closed-channel molecule state. The magnetic field location for the p-wave resonance as a function of laser detuning can be captured by a simple formula with essentially one...

Observation of Floquet bands in driven spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gases

Physical Review A 98, 013615(2018)

Periodic driving of a quantum system can significantly alter its energy bands and even change the band topology, opening a completely new avenue for engineering novel quantum matter. Although important progress has been made recently in measuring topological properties of Floquet bands in different systems, direct experimental measurement of full...

Experimental observation of one-dimensional superradiance lattices in ultracold atoms

Physical Review Letters 120, 193601(2018)

We measure the superradiant emission in a one-dimensional (1D) superradiance lattice (SL) in ultracold atoms. Resonantly excited to a superradiant state, the atoms are further coupled to other collectively excited states, which form a 1D SL. The directional emission of one of the superradiant excited states in the 1D SL is measured. The emission spectra...

Enhanced detection of a low-frequency signal by using broad squeezed light and a bichromatic local oscillator

Physical Review A 96, 023808(2017)

We experimentally study a protocol of using the broadband high-frequency squeezed vacuum to detect the low-frequency signal. In this scheme, the lower sideband field of the squeezed light carries the low-frequency modulation signal, and the two strong coherent light fields are applied as the bichromatic local oscillator in the homodyne detection to measure...

Experimental observation of a topological band gap opening in ultracold Fermi gases with two-dimensional spin-orbit coupling

Physical Review Letters 117, 235304(2016)

The recent experimental realization of synthetic spin-orbit coupling (SOC) opens a new avenue for exploring novel quantum states with ultracold atoms. However, in experiments for generating two dimensional SOC (e.g., Rashba type), a perpendicular Zeeman field, which opens a band gap at the Dirac point and induces many topological phenomena, is still lacking...

Experimental realization of a two-dimensional synthetic spin-orbit coupling in ultracold Fermi gases

Nature Physics 12, 540-544(2016)

Spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is central to many physical phenomena, including fine structures ofatomic spectra and quantum topological matters. Whereas SOC is in general fixed in a physicalsystem, atom-laser interaction provides physicists a unique means to create and control synthetic SOC for ultracold atoms. Despite significantexperimental progress...

Dissociation of Feshbach molecules via spin-orbit coupling in ultracold Fermi gases

Physical Review A 91, 041604(R)(2015)

We study the dissociation of Feshbach molecules in ultracold Fermi gases with spin-orbit (SO) coupling. Since SO coupling can induce a quantum transition between Feshbach molecules and the fully polarized Fermi gas, the Feshbach molecules can be dissociated by the SO coupling. We experimentally realize this type of dissociation in ultracold gases of 40K atoms...

Production of Feshbach molecules induced by spin–orbit coupling in Fermi gases

Nature Physics 10,110(2014)

The search for topological superconductors is a challenging task. One of the most promising directions is to use spin–orbit coupling through which an s-wave superconductor can induce unconventional p-wave pairing in a spin-polarized metal. Recently, synthetic spin–orbit couplings have been realized in cold-atom systems where instead of a proximity effect, s-wave pairing...

Optical control of a magnetic Feshbach resonance in ultra cold Fermi gas

Physical Review A 88, 041601 (2013) 

We use laser light near resonant with a molecular bound-to-bound transition to control a magnetic Feshbach resonance in ultracold Fermi gases of 40K atoms. The spectrum of excited molecular states is measured by applying a laser field that couples the ground Feshbach molecular state to electronically excited molecular states.Nine strong bound-to-bound...

Radio-frequency spectroscopy of a strongly interacting spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gas

Physical Review A 87, 053619 (2013)

We investigate experimentally and theoretically radio-frequency spectroscopy and pairing of a spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gas of 40K atoms near a Feshbach resonance at B0=202.2 G. Experimentally, the integrated spectroscopy is measured, showing characteristic blue and red shifts in the atomic and molecular responses, respectively, with increasing spin-orbit...


