Quantum communication is an interdisciplinary subject between quantum physics and information science. It has important applications in the realization of unconditional secure transmission of information, manipulation and transmission of quantum information. The research group mainly conducts experimental and theoretical research on quantum communication, explores and studies new principles and methods of quantum communication, and develops new technologies related to quantum communication, develops related principle devices, and promotes the development of quantum communication. Practical. Recent research directions: continuous variable quantum secure communication; cavity quantum light; light field quantum state engineering and manipulation. |
Impact of Four-Wave-Mixing Noise from Dense Wavelength-Division-Multiplexing Systems on Entangled-State Continuous-Variable Quantum key Distribution
Shanna Du, Yan Tian, and Yongmin Li.
Integrating quantum key distribution (QKD) on the existing optical fiber network through dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) can greatly reduce the costs of quantum channels and improve the....
Phys. Rev. Appl. 14, 024013 (2020).
Microfiber Mechanical Resonator for Optomechanics
Qiang Zhang, Ruili Zhai, Shiwei Yang, Shuai Yang, and Yongmin Li.
Optomechanics is a promising field with important applications in ultrasensitive sensing and quantum information processing. A variety of micromechanical resonators are proposed and demonstrated for....
ACS Photonics 7, 695 (2020).
Generation of Gaussian-modulated entangled states for continuous variable quantum communication
Ning Wang, Shanna Du, Wwenyuan Liu, Xuyang Wang, and Yongmin Li.
We present and demonstrate a high-efficiency and compact scheme for generating Gaussian-modulated Einstein– Podolsky–Rosen (EPR) entangled optical fields by injecting a modulated signal field into....
Optics Letters 44, 3613 (2019).
High-Gain and Narrow-Bandwidth Optical Amplifier via Optomechanical Four-Wave Mixing
Zongyang Li, Zhenqiang Ren, Yongmin Li, Yong-chun Liu, and Kunchi Peng.
We present an ultrahigh gain, narrow bandwidth, and low noise optical amplifier via the radiation pressure
induced by the four-wave mixing (FWM) effect based on a cavity optomechanical system in the....
Phys. Rev. Applied, 11, 064048 (2019).
Long-Distance Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution with Entangled States
Ning Wang, Shanna Du, Wenyuan Liu, Xuyang Wang, Yongmin Li, and Kunchi Peng.
We experimentally demonstrate long-distance continuous-variable quantum key distribution over a 50-
km standard optical fiber based on continuous-variable Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entangled states....
Phys. Rev. Applied,10,064028 (2018).