

2001年-2005年 山西大学山西大学物理系物理学专业本科生  获理学学士学位;

2005年-2011年 山西大学光电研究所光学专业研究生  获理学博士学位;

2012年-2013年 法国光学所Thomas Bourdel, Alain Aspect (法国科学院院士) 小组  博士后;

2013年-至今 山西大学光电所  “副教授,教授”;

2017年入选  山西省“ 青年三晋学者”;


  主要从事连续变量量子信息、超冷原子、以及激光技术等方面的研究和教学工作。主持多项国家和省部级重点项目,以项目骨干身份参与国家级基础研究发展计划、重点项目和重点研发计划各一项,2012年–2013年,在法国光学所从事博士后研究工作。 2013年博士毕业论文获全国优秀博士论文提名奖。

2015年- 2018年  主持承担“超冷费米气体40K中束缚分子的高分辨率能谱 ”,国家自然科学基金面上项目    

2020年-2023年  主持承担“超冷极性费米分子23Na40K的最低振转能级制备和量子态操控”,国家自然科学基金面上项目

2021年-2023年  主持承担“超冷玻色费米混合气体”,国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目

2013年-2015年  参与“玻色—费米原子混合系综的量子调控”,国家自然科学基金重点项目

2013年-2017年  参与“超冷费米气体在合成规范场中的实验研究 ”,国家自然科学基金重点项目

2016年-2021年  参与“基子超冷原子气体的量子模拟 ”,国家重点研发计划


Photoassociation spectroscopy of weakly bound 87Rb2 molecules near the 5P1/2 + 5S1/2 threshold by optical Bragg scattering in Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A 102, 053326 (2020)     PDF

Synthesized magnetic field of a sawtooth superradiance lattice in Bose–Einstein condensates
npj Quantum Information 6(18),(2020)     PDF

Observation of sub-wavelength phase structure of matter wave with two-dimensional optical lattice by Kapitza-Dirac diffraction
Scientific Reports 10, 5870 (2020)        PDF

超冷 87Rb原子在二维光晶格中Mott绝缘态的实验实现
物理学报 69(19), 193201 (2020)        PDF


Experimental investigation of the electromagnetically Induced-Absorption-Like effect for an N-Type energy level in a Rubidium BEC
Chinese Physics Letters 36(4), 043201 (2019).    PDF


Universal feature in optical control of a p-wave Feshbach resonance
Physical Review A 97, 012702 (2018)        PDF

Observation of Floquet bands in driven spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gases
Physical Review A 98, 013615 (2018)        PDF

量子光学学报 24(2), 156163 (2018).    PDF

Influence on the lifetime of 87Rb Bose–Einstein condensation for Far-Detuning Single-Frequency lasers with different phase noises
Chinese Physics Letters 35(6), 063201 (2018).    PDF

Experimental observation of Spin-Exchange in ultracold Fermi gases
Chinese Physics Letters35(3), 033401 (2018).    PDF


Experimental observation of a tpological band gap opening in ultracold Fermi gases with two-dimensional Spin-Orbit coupling
Physical Review Letters 117, 235304 (2016)        PDF

Experimental realization of a two-dimensional synthetic spin-orbit coupling in ultracold Fermi gases
Nature Physics 12, 540-544 (2016)        PDF

重力对 87Rb冷原子四极磁阱装载的影响
量子光学报 22(1), 50-57 (2016).    PDF


Dissociation of Feshbach molecules via spin-orbit coupling in ultracold Fermi gases
Physical Review A 91, 041604(R) (2015)     PDF

Radio-frequency spectrum of the Feshbach molecular state to deeply bound molecular states in ultracold 40K Fermi gases
New J. Phys. 17, 033013 (2015)          PDF


Production of Feshbach molecules induced by Spin-Orbit coupling in Fermi gases
Nature Physics 10, 110 (2014)            PDF


Optical control of a magnetic Feshbach resonance in ultracold Fermi gas
Physical Review A 88, 041601 (2013)     PDF   

Radio-frequency spectroscopy of a strongly interacting spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gas
Physical Review A 87, 053619 (2013)      PDF


Spin-Orbit coupled degenerate Fermi gases
Physical Review A 109, 095301 (2012)      PDF

Momentum-resolved Raman spectroscopy of a noninteracting ultracold Fermi gas
Physical Review A 85, 053626 (2012)      PDF

Momentum-resolved Raman spectroscopy of bound molecules in ultracold Fermi gas
Physical Review A 86, 033607 (2012)      PDF

量子光学学报 18(2), 171-177 (2012).       PDF


Bose-Einstein Condensate in a light-induced vector gauge potential using the 1064 nm optical dipole trap lasers
Physical Review A 84, 043609 (2011)      PDF

Observation of collective atomic recoil motion in a degenerate Fermion gas
Physical Review A 106, 210401 (2011)      PDF

Experimental investigation of evaporative cooling mixture of bosonic 87Rb and fermionic 40K atoms with microwave and radio frequency radiation
Chin. Phys. B 20(1), 016701(2011).      PDF

Feshbach resonances in an ultracold mixture of 87Rb and 40K
Chin. Phys. B 20(10), 103401 (2011).         PDF


光学学报 30(3)  893-897 (2010).      PDF

Pulse loading 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensation in optical lattice: the Kapitza-Dirac scattering and temporal matter-wave-dispersion Talbot effect
Chinese Optics Letters 8(4), 1671-7694 (2010).     PDF

Evaporative cooling rubidium atoms with microwave radiation
Chinese Optics Letters 8(4), 351-353 (2010).      PDF

Evaporative cooling of 87Rb atoms into Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical dipole trap
Chinses Optics Letters 8(7) 627 (2010).     PDF


Multi-normal-mode splitting of a cavity in the presence of atoms: A step towards the superstrong-coupling regime
Physical Review A 79, 61803(R) (2009)      PDF

光学学报 29(9), 2567-2569 (2009).     PDF


Quantum degenerate Fermi-Bose mixtures of 40K and 87Rb atoms in a Quadrupole-Ioffe configuration trap
China Physical Letter 25, 843 (2008)      PDF

物理学报 57(7), 4224(2008).      PDF

物理学报 57(8), 4840(2008).      PDF


Simultaneous Mogneto-Optical trapping of Fermionic 40K and Bosonic 87Rb atoms
China Physical Letter 24, 1541 (2007)      PDF