Publications     Patents     Awards



1. 姜其畅 刘超 刘晋宏 张俊香 原子系统中远失谐脉冲光束对的群速度操控,物理学报, 64, 9(2015).2. 武晋泽 王丹 郭苗军 周海涛 张俊香 原子介质中实现移动光子晶体的驻波场特性研究,中国激光, 42, 4(2015).

3. 王红丽 王丹 郭苗军 周海涛 张俊香 铯原子介质中受激拉曼四波混频的光放大特性,量子光学学报, 21, 1(2015).

4. Miaojun Guo, Haitao Zhou, Dan Wang, Jiangrui Gao, Junxiang Zhang and Shiyao Zhu, Experimental investigation of high frequency-difference twin beams in hot cesium atoms, Phys. Rev. A, 89, 033813(2014).

5. Haitao Zhou, Dan Wang, Miaojun Guo, Jiangrui Gao and Junxiang Zhang, Controllable optical mirror of cesium atoms with four-wave mixing, Chin.Phys.B, 23, 093204(2014).   

6. Junxiang Zhang, Qichang Jiang, Chao Liu, Xinsheng Zhang and Jinhong Liu, The manipulation of light pulse from subluminal to superluminal propagation in a degenerate two-level Cs atomic system, Sci China-Phys Mech Astron, 57, 12(2014).

7. 马荣 李媛 冯景亮 张俊香 实验实现频差9.2GHz两束光在同一腔中,中国激光 41, 0418001(2014).

8. 周海涛 武晋泽 王红丽 刘超 张俊香 强耦合条件下内腔电磁诱导透明和正交模劈裂的研究量子光学学报, 20, 218(2014).

9. 郭苗军 王丹 周海涛 张俊香 光子晶体特性在BIT介质中的实验实现量子光学学报, 20, 148(2014).  

10. 黄静波 郭苗军 周海涛 郜江瑞 张俊香 在不同原子汽室空间中原子相干特性的比较,量子光学学报, 20, 51(2014).

11. Hengxin Sun, Zunlong Liu, Kui Liu , Rongguo Yang, Junxiang Zhang and Jiangrui Gao, Experimental demonstration of a displacement measurement of an optical beam beyond the quantum noise limit, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 31, 8(2014).

12. Xihua Yang, Bolin Xue, Junxiang Zhang, S.Y.Zhu, A universal quantum information processor for scalable quantum communication and networks, Scientific Reports, 4, 6629(2014).

13. Dongxing Zhao, Ying Gu, Jiarui Wu, Junxiang Zhang, Tiancai Zhang, Gerardot, Qihuang Gong, Quantum-dot gain without inversion: Effects of dark plasmon-exciton hybridization,PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 89, 24(2014).

14. 刘灵 刘奎 张俊香 郜江瑞 超短脉冲光参量振荡器中TEM01模经典增益的实现,量子光学学报, 20, 2(2014).

15. Hengxin Sun, Kui Liu, Zunlong Liu, Pengliang Guo, Junxiang Zhang and Jiangrui Gao, Small-displacement measurements using high-order Hermite-Gauss modes,APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 104, 12(2014).

16. 孙恒信 刘奎 刘尊龙 张俊香 郜江瑞 自动锁定的高阶厄米高斯模的产生,其他刊物, 51, 6(2014).

17. Dawei Wang, Haitao Zhou, Miaojun Guo, Junxiang Zhang, Jorg Evers and Shiyao Zhu, Optical Diode Made from a Moving Photonic Crystal, Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 093901(2013). (通讯作者,特一)

18. Dan Wang, Liyun Hu, Xiumei Pang, Junxiang Zhang and Shiyao Zhu, Quadripartite entanglement from a double three-level-type-atom model, Phys. Rev. A, 88, 042314(2013).

19. 郭苗军 武晋泽 黄静波 王红丽 周海涛 郜江瑞 张俊香 铯原子汽室中光学厚度的实验测量与精确模拟,光学学报, 33, 1002001(2013).

20. 庞秀梅 张俊香 朱诗尧 双ʌ原子系统中的有效哈密顿量 量子光学学报, 19, 100(2013).

21. 李媛 马荣 蔡德欢 郜江瑞 张俊香 铯原子D2线无多普勒噪声谱的测量山西大学学报, 36, 0253(2013).

22. 刘洪雨 陈立 刘灵 明莹 刘奎 张俊香 郜江瑞 飞秒脉冲正交位相压缩光的产生,物理学报, 62, 16(2013).

23. Rongguo Yang, Jing Zhang, Shuqin Zhai, Kui Liu, Junxiang Zhang and Jiangrui Gao, Generating multiplexed entanglement frequency comb in a nondegenerate optical parametric amplifier, J. Opt. Sci. Am. B, 30, 314(2013).

24. Yuan Li, Zhonghua Li, Dan Wang, Jiangrui Gao and Junxiang Zhang, Manipulation of squeezed state in electromagnetically induced transparency system via dynamic Stark effect, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 29, 11(2012).

25. Yuan Li, Dehuan Cai, Rong ma, Dan Wang, Jiangrui Gao and Junxiang Zhang, Resolution enhancement in noise spectrum by using velocity selective optical pumping in cesium vapor, Appl. Phys. B, 109, 189(2012).

26. Zhonghua Li, Yuan Li, Yafang Dou and Junxiang Zhang, The difference in noise property between the Autler Townes splitting medium and the electromagnetically induced transparent medium, Chin. Phys. B, 21, 034204(2012).

27. Zhonghua Li, Yuan Li, Yafang Dou Jiangrui Gao and Junxiang Zhang, Comparison of the noise properties of squeezed probe light in optically thick and thin quantum coherence media for weak and strong coupling lights, Chin. Phys. Lett., 29, 014202(2012).

28. 李中华 豆亚芳 李媛 张俊香 利用非相干泵浦调控V型三能级系统的吸收与色散,量子光学学报, 18, 262(2012).

29. 张海龙 白云飞 张俊香 郜江瑞 确定性量子分束器的实验研究,其他刊物, 18, 3(2012).

30. Kui Liu, Shuzhen Cui, Rongguo Yang, Junxiang Zhang and Jiangrui Gao, Experimental generation of multimode squeezing in an optical parametric amplifier, Chinese Physics Letters, 29, 6(2012).

31. Hailong Zhang, Wende Liang, Kui Liu, Junxiang Zhang and Jiangrui Gao, Fidelity with quadrature componen variances for continuous-variable quantum teleportation, J. Phys. B, 5, 115501(2012).

32. Ying Gu, Luojia Wang, Pan Ren, Junxiang Zhang, Tiancai Zhang, Olivier J. F. Martin and Qihuang Gong, Surface-Plasmon-Induced Modification on the Spontaneous Emission Spectrum via Subwavelength-Confined Anisotropic Purcell Factor, Nano Letters, 12, 2488(2012).

33. Ying Gu, Luojia Wang, Pan Ren, Junxiang Zhang, Tiancai Zhang, Jingpin Xu, Shiyao Zhu and Qihuang Gong, Intrinsic Quantum Beats of Atomic Populations and Their Nanoscale Realization Through Resonant Plasmonic Antenna, Plasmonics, 7, 33(2012).

34. Haitao Zhou, Dawei Wang, Dan Wang, Junxiang Zhang and Shiyao Zhu, Efficient reflection via four-wave mixing in a Doppler-free electromagnetically induced transparency gas system, Phys. Rev. A, 84, 053835(2011).

35. Junxiang Zhang, Haitao Zhou, Dawei Wang and Shiyao Zhu, Enhanced reflection via phase compensation from anomalous dispersion in atomic vapor, Phys. Rev. A, 83, 053841(2011).

36. Haitao Zhou, Miaojun Guo, Dan Wang, Jiangrui Gao, Junxiang Zhang and Shiyao Zhu, Angular momentum and two-photon detuning dependence of reflection spectrum on degenerate two-level systems in Cs vapour, J. Phys. B, 44, 225503(2011).

37. Yunfei Bai, Shuqin Zhai, Jiangrui Gao and Junxiang Zhang, Noise-free frequency conversion of quantum states, Chin. Phys. B, 20, 034207(2011).

38. Yunfei Bai, Shuqin Zhai, Jiangrui Gao and Junxiang Zhang, Quantum frequency up-conversion with a cavity, Chin. Phys. B, 20, 084207(2011).

39. 白云飞,刘洪雨,郜江瑞,张俊香,共振增强的光学参变下转换,光学学报, 31, 0327001(2011).

40. Kui Liu, Shuzhen Cui, Hailong Zhang, Junxiang Zhang and Jiangrui Gao, Noise Suppression of a Single Frequency Fiber Laser, Chin. Phys. Lett., 28, 074211(2011).

41. Rongguo Yang, Shuqin Zhai, Liu Kui, Junxiang Zhang and Jiangrui Gao, Generation of multicolored tripartite entanglement by frequency doubling in a two-port resonator, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 27, 2721(2010).

42. Daihe Fan, Yunfei Bai, Hailong Zhang, Junjian Chen, Junxiang Zhang and Jiangrui Gao, Realization of stimulated emission-based detector and its application to antinormally ordered photodetection, Chin. Phys. B, 19,034208(2010).

43. 樊代和 白云飞 张海龙 张俊香 郜江瑞 测量带宽对量子鬼成像的影响,量子光学学报, 16, 3(2010).

44. 陈君鉴 白云飞 刘洪雨 樊代和 张俊香 郜江瑞 飞秒脉冲泵浦的II类BBO晶体自发参量下转换光谱分布特性,量子光学学报, 16, 2(2010).

45. 王文琦 李中华 周海涛 李媛 郜江瑞 张俊香 激光线宽对原子相干效应的影响,量子光学学报, 15, 211(2009).

46. Shuqin Zhai, Rongguo Yang, Liu Kui, Hailong Zhang, Junxiang Zhang, Jiangrui Gao, Bright two-color tripartite entanglement with second harmonic generation, Opt. Exp., 17, 9851(2009).

47. Ligang Wang, Zhiguo Wang, Junxiang Zhang and Shiyao Zhu, Realization of Dirac point with double cones in optics, Opt. Lett., 34, 1510(2009).

48. Tao Li, Haitao Zhou, Zhonghua Li, Yunfei Bai, Yuan Li, Jiangrui Gao and Junxiang Zhang, Enhanced vacuum Rabi splitting and double dark states in a composite atom-cavity system, Front. Phys. China, 4, 209(2009).

49. 翟淑琴 杨荣国 刘奎 郜江瑞 张俊香 孪生光束时域内的关联特性,量子光学学报, 15, 3(2009).

50. 刘奎 杨荣国 张海龙 白云飞 张俊香 郜江瑞 单频光纤激光器的噪声抑制,中国激光, 36, 7(2009).

51. 孙跃 翟淑琴 张海龙 张俊香 郜江瑞 连续变量量子纠缠态的非对称量子克隆,量子光学学报, 15, 2(2009).

52. Jin Cai, Haitao Zhou, Wenqi Wang, Zhonghua Li, Tao Li and Junxiang Zhang, Absorption changes induced by off-resonance driving a degenerate two-level system, Chin. Phys. Lett., 25, 2041(2008).

53. Shuqin Zhai, Rongguo Yang, Daihe Fan, Juan Guo, Kui Liu, Junxiang Zhang and Jiangrui Gao, Tripartitw entanglement from the cavity with second-order harmonic generation, Phys. Rev. A, 78, 014302(2008).

54. Yimin Lian, Junxiang Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Engineering of two quantum states via conditional measurement on two-mode squeezed state, Chin. Phys. Lett., 25, 942(2008).

55. 樊代和 白云飞 张海龙 张俊香 郜江瑞 泵浦谱宽和测量带宽对SPDC过程产生的光子对分布的影响,量子光学学报, 14, 2(2008).

56. Junxiang Zhang, Jin Cai, Yunfei Bai, Jiangrui Gao and Shi-Yao Zhu, The optimization of the noise property of stored state in atomic quantum memory, Phys. Rev. A, 76, 033814(2007).

57. M. P. A. Jones, J. Beugnon, A. Gaëtan, J.X. Zhang, G. Messin, A. Browaeys, P. Grangier,Fast quantum state control of a single trapped neutral atom, Phys. Rev. A, 75, 040301(R)(2007).

58. Hongxin Zou, Shuqin Zhai, Rongguo Yang, Daihe Fan, Jiangrui Gao and Junxiang Zhang , Transfer of intensity quantum correlation with twin beams, Opt. Lett., 32, 2218(2007).

59. 翟淑琴 邹宏新 张俊香 郜江瑞 利用孪生光束实现强度量子关联的传递,激光与光电子学进展, 45, 2(2008).

60. 张海龙 樊代和 白云飞 张俊香 郜江瑞 利用SPDC和PBS实现受控非门的有效方案,量子光学学报, 13, 2(2007).

61. Yabin Dong, Haihong Wang, Jiangrui Gao and Junxiang Zhang, Quantum coherence effects in quasi-degenerate two-level atomic system, Phys. Rev. A, 74, 063810(2006).

62. Yabin Dong, Junxiang Zhang, Haihong Wang and Jiangrui Gao, Observation of the widening and shifting of EIT windows in a quasi-degenerate two-level atomic system, J. Phys. B, 39, 3447(2006).

63. Junxiang Zhang, Haihong Wang, Jin Cai and Jiangrui Gao, Quantum noise property in coherent atomic system,
Front. Phys. China, 3, 295(2006).  

64. Yabin Dong, Junxiang Zhang, Haihong Wang and Jiangrui Gao, Quantum interference effects in a multi-driven transition, Opt. Commu., 259, 765(2006).

65. Yabin Dong, Junxiang Zhang, Haihong Wang and Jiangrui Gao, Quantum interference effects in a multi-driven transition F-g=3 <-> F-e=2, Chin.Phys., 15, 1262(2006).

66. Li Ying, Zhang Jing, Zhang Junxiang, Zhang Tiancai, Continuous-variable quantum teleportation of even and odd coherent states through varied gain channels, Chin. Phys., 15, 1766(2006).

67. 杜英杰 张俊香 四能级原子相干系统的探讨,量子光学学报, 12, 14(2006).

68. 王海红 董雅宾 郜江瑞 张俊香 原子相干效应中的量子噪声特性研究,量子光学学报, 12, 20(2006).

69. Junxiang Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Quantum teleportation of single-mode thermal state of light field, J. of Optics B, 7, 313(2005).

70. Junxiang Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Fidelity of quantum teleportation for single-mode squeezed state light, Chin. Phys. Lett., 22, 3005(2005).

71. Junxiang Zhang, Jietai Jing, Changde Xie, Kunchi Peng, Quantum state sharing by using two-mode and single-mode squeezed state lights, Chin. Phys. Lett., 22, 2751(2005).

72. Juan Guo, Hongxin Zou, Zehui Zhai, Junxiang Zhang and Jiangrui Gao, Generation of continuous-variable triparitite entanglement using cascaded nonlinearities, Phys. Rev. A., 71, 034305(2005).

73. Zehui Zhai, Hongxin Zou, Junxiang Zhang, and Jiangrui Gao, Bright entanglement characteristics of subharmonic modes reflected from cavity for type II second-harmonic generation, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 22, 878(2005).

74. 董雅宾 张俊香 郜江瑞 三能级电磁感应透明中辐射场的量子统计特性,光学学报, 25, 9(2005).

75. 李永明 樊代和 翟泽辉 张俊香 郜江瑞 单光子态的产生与测量,量子光学学报, 10, 1(2004).

76. Ying Li, Tiancai Zhang, Junxiang Zhang and Xie Changde, Quantum teleportation of one- and two-photon superposition states, Chin. Phys., 12, 1009(2003).

77. Fuli Li, Hongrong Li, Junxiang Zhang and Shiyao Zhu, Teleported state and its fidelity in quantum teleportation of continuous variables, Chin. Phys. Lett., 20, 14(2003).

78. Fuli Li, Hongrong Li, Junxiang Zhang, and Shiyao Zhu, Nonclassical properties of teleported optical fields in quantum teleportation of continuous variables, Phys. Rev. A, 66, 024302(2002).

79. Junxiang Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, The criteria for teleportation of fock states, Opt. Commu., 207, 213(2002).

80. Junxiang Zhang, Changde Xie, Fuli Li, Shiyao Zhu and M.Suhail Zubairy, The State Evolution Formulation of Teleportation of Continuous Variables, Europhy. Lett., 56, 478(2001).

81. Junxiang Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Quantum Switch for Continuous Variable Teleportation, J. of Opt. B, 3, 29(2001).

82. Junxiang Zhang, Tiancai Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Quantum Measurement with an amplitude-squeezed-light beam splitter, App. Opt., 40, 5949(2001).

83. Junxiang Zhang, Ruifang Dong, Hong Chang, Changde Xie, Kunchi Peng and M.Xiao, Experimental demonstration of EIT and dispersion effects in Cs atoms vapor, Chin. Phys. Lett., 18, 1586(2001).

84.Ruifang Dong, Junxiang Zhang, Tiancai Zhang and Changde Xie, Quantum anticorrelation between orthogonal-polarization modes of laser diode at cryogenic temperature, Opt.Commu., 201, 105(2001).

85. Ruifang Dong, Junxiang Zhang, Tiancai Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Intensity noise squeezing of laser diode with inphase external weak feedback by half wave plate, Acta Physica Sinica, 50, 462(2001).

86. Jing Zhang, Tiancai Zhang, Ruifang Dong, Junxiang Zhang, Junming Wang, Changde Xie, Kunchi Peng, Influence of birefringence induced at low temperature on balanced detection of polarization-dependent photon-number squeezing and its optical compensation, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 18, 1014(2001).

87. 张俊香 董瑞芳 谢常德 关于连续变量的量子隐形传态,物理, 30, 43(2001).

88. 张俊香 张天才 D. vanEffenterre 谢常德 彭堃墀 常温下LED串接放大实现QND光学测量,物理学报, 49, 226(2000).

89. Junxiang Zhang, Tiancai Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Interferometric detection of optical phase shift using twin beams, Acta Physica Sinica, 8, 437(1999).

90. Junxiang Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Interference of squeezed light produced by two independent optical parametric oscillators, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 12, 1769(1995).




1. 郜江瑞 刘奎 崔淑珍 张俊香 一种连续变量纠缠产生装置和方法,专利类型:发明,专利号:1522301,2014-11 

2. 张俊香 王海红 董雅宾 蔡瑾 郜江瑞 一种激光器位相噪声测量装置,专利类型:发明,专利号:614836,2010-05



1. The second prize, Science and Technology Award, Shanxi, 2010.
First prize, Science and Technology Progress Awards for Colleges and Universities, Shanxi, 2007.

3. Young Academic Leaders of Shanxi, Tip Technology Talents of Taiyuan, 2006.

4. First prize, Science and Technology Progress Awards for Colleges and Universities, Shanxi, 2004.
5. First prize, Science and Technology Progress Awards, Shanxi, 2003.

6. The third prize, the 7th Youth Teacher Awarded by FOK YING TUNG Education Foundation, 2002.

7. Third prize, "Challenge Cup" of National University Students, 1997.

8. First prize, "Xingjin Cup" of Shanxi Province University Students, 1997.
9. One of the ten best researchers in Shanxi University, 1997.