张靖,男,1974年1月生,山西文水人,现任山西大学光电所所长和量子光学与光量子器件国家重点实验室主任,国家杰出青年基金获得者、"长 江 学 者"特聘教授、国家重点研发计划项目首席科学家、国家基金委创新群体带头人、国家杰出专业技术人才、国家中青年科技领军人才、美国光学学会会士(OSA Fellow)、美国物理学会会士(APS Fellow)。
1995年毕业于武汉华中科技大学光电子专业,2001年于山西大学光学专业毕业并获博士学位。2000年1月-- 2000年4月在日本国家计量研究所从事全固化单频绿光激光器碘分子光频标的实验研究。2002年3月-- 2003年9月在英国威尔 士班戈大学S. L. Braunstein教授量子信息小组做博士后。2003年9月-- 2004年9月在法国巴黎高等师范学校(ENS)物理系Kastler-Brossel实验室C. Salomon教授小组开展超冷费米气体的实验研究。2004年9月,回到山西大学光电研究所,从事连续变量量子通信和超冷原子的实验与理论工作。2007年8月,在国内首次实现费米气体量子简并;2012年,在国际上首次实验产生了自旋轨道耦合的量子简并费米气体。目前主要从事连续变量量子信息、超冷原子、以及激光技术等方面的研究。
先后发表论文百余篇,在国内外学术刊物Nature 子刊、Phys. Rev. Lett.、 Phys. Rev. A等杂志上发表论文百余篇,被SCI他人引用4000余次。
获多项荣誉,2007年获得国家杰出青年基金的资助,2008年作为负责人获国家自然科学基金创新研究群体科学基金,2009年获“长 江 学 者”特聘教授。2013年荣获2012-2013年度“饶毓泰物理奖”,2014年荣获“全国杰出专业技术人才”荣誉称号。2017年作为带头人入选“全国高校黄大年式教师团队” ,2018年入选美国光学学会会士(OSA Fellow),2019年美国物理学会会士(APS Fellow),2020年获得第二届“科学探索奖”。还曾获政府特殊津贴,国家万人计划科技创新领军人才,新世纪国家百千万人才,山西省高等学校拔尖创新人才,山西省“新世纪学术技术带头人 333 人才工程”,三晋学者,山西省“全省优秀共产党员”荣誉称号,山西省五一劳动奖章,全国五一劳动奖章等。
目前,他已培养毕业硕士和博士生30多名。其中,指导的博士研究生王鹏军的学位论文《超冷玻色费米气体的集体原子反冲行为和Feshbach共振》获得全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖;指导的博士研究生付正坤于2013年在Nature Phys.发表学术论文 ;指导的博士研究生黄良辉于2016年在Nature Phys.发表学术论文,并入选“中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文”,其学位论文获2016年度全国光学优秀博士学位论文奖。
Guoqi Bian, Biao Shan, Lianghui Huang, and Jing Zhang,Rydberg electromagnetically induced transparency in 40K ultracold Fermi gases,Chin. Opt. Lett.,21, 100201 (2023).
Ziliang Li, Zhengyu Gu, Zhenlian Shi, Pengjun Wang, and Jing Zhang, Quantum degenerate Bose-Fermi atomic gas mixture of 23Na and 40K,Chin. Phys. B 32, 023701 (2023).
Zhenlian Shi, Ziliang Li, Pengjun Wang, Wei Han, Lianghui Huang, Zengming Meng, Liangchao Chen and Jing Zhang, Collective excitation of Bose-Einstein condensate of 23Na via high-partial wave Feshbach resonance, New J. Phys. 25, 023032(2023).
Zengming Meng, Liangwei Wang, Wei Han, Fangde Liu, Kai Wen, Chao Gao, Pengjun Wang, Cheng Chin, and Jing Zhang,Atomic Bose–Einstein condensate in twisted-bilayer optical lattices,Nature 615, 231 (2023).
Liangwei Wang, Kai Wen, Fangde Liu, Yunda Li, Pengjun Wang, Lianghui Huang, Liangchao Chen, Wei Han, Zengming Meng, and Jing Zhang , Experimental realization of two-dimensional single-layer ultracold gases of 87Rb in an accordion lattice , Chin. Phys. B 31, 103401 (2022).
Yuanbin Jin, Jiangwei Yan, S. Rahman, Xudong Yu, Jing Zhang,Interference of the scattered vector light fields from two optically levitated nanoparticles,Opt. Express 30, 20026 (2022).
Guoqi Bian, Lianghui Huang, Donghao Li, Zengming Meng, Liangchao Chen,Pengjun Wang, and Jing Zhang,Realization of space-dependent interactions by an optically controlled magnetic p-wave Feshbach resonance in degenerate Fermi gases,Physical Review A 106, 023322 (2022).
Jie Miao, Guoqi Bian, Biao Shan, Liangchao Chen, Zengming Meng, Pengjun Wang, Lianghui Huang, and Jing Zhang,Achieving ultracold Bose–Fermi mixture of 87Rb and 40K with dual dark magnetic-optical-trap,Chin. Phys. B 31, 080306 (2022).
Donghao Li, Guoqi Bian, Jie Miao, Pengjun Wang, Zengming Meng, Liangchao Chen, Lianghui Huang , and Jing Zhang, Rydberg excitation spectrum of 40K ultracold Fermi gases, Physical Review A 103, 063305 (2021).
Zhenlian Shi, Ziliang Li, Pengjun Wang, Khan Sadiq Nawaz, Liangchao Chen, Zengming Meng, Lianghui Huang, and Jing Zhang, Production of 23Na Bose–Einstein condensates in the F = 2 state using D2 gray molasses, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 38, 1229-1234 (2021).
Chengdong Mi, Khan Sadiq Nawaz, Liangchao Chen, Pengjun Wang, Han Cai, Da-Wei Wang, Shi-Yao Zhu, and Jing Zhang, Time-resolved interplay between superradiant and subradiant states in superradiance lattices of Bose-Einstein condensates, Phisical Review A 104, 043326 (2021).
Kai Wen, Zengming Meng, Liangwei Wang, Liangchao Chen, Lianghui Huang, Pengjun Wang, and Jing Zhang, Experimental study of tune-out wavelengths for spin-dependent optical lattice in 87Rb Bose–Einstein condensation, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 38, 3269-3276 (2021).
Xi-Wang Luo, Jing Zhang, and Chuanwei Zhang, Tunable flux through a synthetic Hall tube of neutral fermions, Phsical Review A 102, 063327 (2020).
Khan Sadiq Nawaz, Liangchao Chen, Chengdong Mi, Zengming Meng, Lianghui Huang, Pengjun Wang , and Jing Zhang, Photoassociation spectroscopy of weakly bound 87Rb2 molecules near the 5P1/2 + 5S1/2 threshold by optical Bragg scattering in Bose-Einstein condensates, Physical Review A 102, 053326 (2020).
Mao-Lin Chen, Xingdan Sun, Hang Liu, Hanwen Wang, Qianbing Zhu, Shasha Wang, Haifeng Du, Baojuan Dong, Jing Zhang, Yun Sun, Song Qiu, Thomas Alava, Song Liu3, Dong-Ming Sun & Zheng Han, A FinFET with one atomic layer channel, Nat Commun 11, 1205 (2020).
Donghao Li, Lianghui Huang, Peng Peng, Guoqi Bian, Pengjun Wang, Zengming Meng, Liangchao Chen, and Jing Zhang, Experimental realization of spin-tensor momentum coupling in ultracold Fermi gases, Physical Review A 102, 013309 (2020).
Pengjun Wang, Liangchao Chen, Chengdong Mi, Zengming Meng, Lianghui Huang, Khan Sadiq Nawaz, Han Cai, Da-Wei Wang, Shi-Yao Zhu and Jing Zhang, Synthesized magnetic field of a sawtooth superradiance lattice in Bose–Einstein condensates, npj Quantum Information 6, 18 (2020).
Kai Wen, Zengming Meng, Pengjun Wang, Liangwei Wang, Liangchao Chen, Lianghui Huang, Lihong Zhou, Xiaoling Cui, and Jing Zhang, Observation of sub-wavelength phase structure of matter wave with two-dimensional optical lattice by Kapitza-Dirac diffraction, Scientific Reports 10, 5870 (2020).
Yuanbin Jin, Xudong Yu and Jing Zhang, Polarization-dependent center-of-mass motion of an optically levitated nanosphere, Journal of the Optical Society of America B Vol. 36, No. 9, 2369 (2019).
Hanwen Wang, Mao-Lin Chen, Mengjian Zhu, Yaning Wang, Baojuan Dong, Xingdan Sun, Xiaorong Zhang, Shimin Cao, Xiaoxi Li, Jianqi Huang, Lei Zhang, Weilai Liu, Dongming Sun, Yu Ye, Kepeng Song, Jianjian Wang, Yu Han, Teng Yang, Huaihong Guo, Chengbing Qin, Liantuan Xiao, Jing Zhang, Jianhao Chen, Zheng Han, and Zhidong Zhang, Gate tunable giant anisotropic resistance in ultra-thin GaTe, Nature Communications 10, 2302 (2019).
Shan Ma, Matthew J. Woolley, Xiaojun Jia, and Jing Zhang, Preparation of bipartite bound entangled Gaussian states in quantum optics, Physical Review A 100, 022309 (2019).
Zhi Wang, Tongyao Zhang, Mei Ding, Baojuan Dong, Yanxu Li, Maolin Chen, Xiaoxi Li, Jianqi Huang, Hanwen Wang, Xiaotian Zhao, Yong Li, Da Li, Chuankun Jia, Lidong Sun, Huaihong Guo, Yu Ye, Dongming Sun, Yuansen Chen, Teng Yang, Jing Zhang,Shimpei Ono, Zheng Han, Zhidong Zhang, Electric-field control of magnetism in a few-layered van der Waals ferromagnetic semiconductor, Nature Nanotechnology 13, 554 (2018).
Yaoyao Zhou, Juan Yu, Zhihui Yan, Xiaojun Jia, Jing Zhang, Changde Xie, and Kunchi Peng, Quantum secret sharing among four players using multipartite bound entanglement of an optical field, Physical Review Letters 121, 150502 (2018).
Xudong Yu, Wei Li, Yuanbin Jin,and Jing Zhang, Controllable coupled-resonator-induced transparency in a dual-recycled Michelson interferometer, Physical Review A 98, 053854 (2018).
Peng Peng, Ren Zhang, Lianghui Huang, Donghao Li, Zengming Meng, Pengjun Wang, Hui Zhai, Peng Zhang, and Jing Zhang, Universal feature in optical control of a p-wave Feshbach resonance, Physical Review A 97, 012702 (2018).
Lianghui Huang, Peng Peng, Donghao Li, Zengming Meng, Liangchao Chen, Chunlei Qu, Pengjun Wang, Chuanwei Zhang, and Jing Zhang, Observation of Floquet bands in driven spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gases, Physical Review A 98, 013615 (2018).
Liangchao Chen, Pengjun Wang, Zengming Meng, Lianghui Huang, Han Cai, Da-Wei Wang, Shi-Yao Zhu, and Jing Zhang, Experimental observation of one-dimensional superradiance lattices in ultracold atoms, Physical Review Letters 120, 193601 (2018).
Wei Li, Yuanbin Jin, Xudong Yu,and Jing Zhang, Enhanced detection of a low-frequency signal by using broad squeezed light and a bichromatic local oscillator, Physical Review A 96, 023808 (2017).
Zengming Meng, Lianghui Huang, Peng Peng,Donghao Li,Liangchao Chen, Yong Xu, Chuanwei Zhang,Pengjun Wang,and Jing Zhang, Experimental observation of a topological band gap opening in ultracold Fermi gases with two-dimensional Spin-Orbit Coupling, Physical Review Letters 117, 235304 (2016).
Lianghui Huang, Zengming Meng, Pengjun Wang, Peng Peng, ShaoLiang Zhang, Liangchao Chen, Donghao Li, Qi Zhou, and Jing Zhang, Experimental realization of a two-dimensional synthetic spin-orbit coupling in ultracold Fermi gases, Nature Physics 12, 540-544 (2016).
Wei Li, Xudong Yu, and Jing Zhang, Measurement of the squeezed vacuum state by a bichromatic local oscillator, Optics Letters 40, 005299 (2015).
Lianghui Huang, Pengjun Wang, Peng Peng, Zengming Meng, Liangchao Chen, Peng Zhang and Jing Zhang, Dissociation of Feshbach molecules via spin-orbit coupling in ultracold Fermi gases, Physical Review A 91, 041604(R) (2015).
Lianghui Huang, Pengjun Wang, B P Ruzic, Zhengkun Fu, Zengming Meng, Peng Peng, J L Bohn and Jing Zhang, Radio-frequency spectrum of the Feshbach molecular state to deeply bound molecular states in ultracold 40K Fermi gases, New Journal of Physics 17, 033013 (2015).
Zhengkun Fu, Lianghui Huang, Zengming Meng, Pengjun Wang, Long Zhang, Shizhong Zhang, Hui Zhai, Peng Zhang and Jing Zhang, Production of Feshbach molecules induced by Spin-Orbit Coupling in Fermi gases, Nature Physics 10, 110 (2014).
Zhengkun Fu, Pengjun Wang, Lianghui Huang, Zengming Meng, Hui Hu and Jing Zhang, Optical control of a magnetic Feshbach resonance in ultracold Fermi gas, Physical Review A 88, 041601 (2013).
Zhengkun Fu, Lianghui Huang, Zengming Meng, Pengjun Wang, Xia-Ji Liu, Han Pu, Hui Hu and Jing Zhang, Radio-frequency spectroscopy of a strongly interacting spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gas, Physical Review A 87, 053619 (2013).
Pengjun Wang, Zeng-Qiang Yu, Zhengkun Fu, Jiao Miao, Lianghui Huang, Shijie Chai, Hui Zhai and Jing Zhang, Spin-Orbit Coupled degenerate Fermi gases, Physical Review Letters 109, 095301 (2012).
Pengjun Wang, Zhengkun Fu, Lianghui Huang and Jing Zhang, Momentum-resolved Raman spectroscopy of a noninteracting ultracold Fermi gas, Physical Review A 85, 053626 (2012).
Zhengkun Fu, Pengjun Wang, Lianghui Huang, Zengming Meng and Jing Zhang, Momentum-resolved Raman spectroscopy of bound molecules in ultracold Fermi gas, Physical Review A 86, 033607 (2012).
Xiaojun Jia, Jing Zhang, Yu Wang, Yaping Zhao, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Superactivation of multipartite unlockable bound entanglement, Physical Review Letters 108, 190501 (2012).
Hui Hu, Han Pu, Jing Zhang, Shi-Guo Peng and Xia-Ji Liu, Radio-frequency spectroscopy of weakly bound molecules in spin-orbit-coupled atomic Fermi gase, Physical Review A 86, 053627 (2012).
Zhengkun Fu, Pengjun Wang, Shijie Chai, Lianghui Huang, Jing Zhang, Bose-Einstein Condensate in a light-induced vector gauge potential using the 1064 nm optical dipole trap lasers, Physical Review A 84, 043609 (2011).
Pengjun Wang, L. Deng, E. W. Hagley, Zhengkun Fu, Shijie Chai and Jing Zhang, Observation of collective atomic recoil motion in a degenerate Fermion gas, Physical Review Letters 106, 210401 (2011).
Jing Zhang, Continuous-variable multipartite unlockable bound entangled Gaussian states, Physical Review A 83, 052327 (2011).
Ke Di, Changde Xie and Jing Zhang, Coupled-Resonator-Induced transparency with a squeezed vacuum, Physical Review Letters 106, 153602 (2011).
Jing Zhang, Graphical rule of transforming continuous-variable graph states by local homodyne detection, Physical Review A 82, 034303 (2010).
Xudong Yu, Min Xiao, Jing Zhang, Triply-resonant optical parametric oscillator by four-wave mixing with rubidium vapor inside an optical cavity, Applied Physics Letters 6, 041101 (2010).
Xudong Yu and Jing Zhang, Multi-normal mode-splitting for an optical cavity with electromagnetically induced transparency medium, Optics Express 18, 4057 (2010).
Dezhi Xiong, Pengjun Wang, Zhengkun Fu and Jing Zhang, Transport of Bose-Einstein condensate in QUIC trap and separation of trapping spin states, Optics Express 18, 1649 (2010).
Jing Zhang, Gerardo Adesso, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Quantum teamwork for unconditional multiparty communication with Gaussian states, Physical Review Letters 103, 070501 (2009).
Haixia Chen and Jing Zhang, Phase-sensitive manipulations of the two-mode entangled state by a type-II nondegenerate optical parametric amplifier inside an optical cavity, Physical Review A 79, 063826 (2009).
Xudong Yu, Dezhi Xiong, Haixia Chen, Pengjun Wang, Min Xiao and Jing Zhang, Multi-normal-mode splitting of a cavity in the presence of atoms: A step towards the superstrong-coupling regime, Physical Review A 79, 061803(R) (2009).
Jing Zhang, Changde Xie, Kunchi Peng and Peter van Loock, Continuous-variable telecloning with phase-conjugate inputs, Physical Review A 77, 022316 (2008).
Jing Zhang, Changde Xie, Kunchi Peng and Peter van Loock, Anyonic statistics with continuous variables, Physical Review A 78, 052121 (2008).
Chenguang Ye and Jing Zhang, Electromagnetically induced transparency-like effect in the degenerate triple-resonant optical parametric amplifier, Optics Letters 33, 1911 (2008).
Dezhi Xiong, Haixia Chen, Pengjun Wang, Xudong Yu, Feng Gao and Jing Zhang, Quantum degenerate Fermi-Bose mixtures of 40K and 87Rb atoms in a Quadrupole-Ioffe Configuration trap, Chinese Physics Letters 25, 843 (2008).
Jing Zhang, Chenguang Ye, Feng Gao, Min Xiao, Phase-sensitive manipulations of squeezed vacuum field in an optical parametric amplifier inside an optical cavity, Physical Review Letters 101, 233602 (2008).
Jing Zhang, Graphical description of local Gaussian operations for continuous-variable weighted graph states, Physical Review A 78, 052307 (2008).
Jing Zhang, Local complementation rule for continuous-variable four-mode unweighted graph states, Physical Review A 78, 034301 (2008).
Aihong Tan, Yu Wang, Xiaoli Jin, Xiaolong Su, Xiaojun Jia, Jing Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Experimental generation of genuine four-partite entangled states with total three-party correlation for continuous variables,Physical Review A 78, 013828 (2008).
Jing Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Nonlocal nondegenerate optical parametric amplifier based on genuine multipartite entanglement, Physical Review A 76, 064301 (2007).
Haixia Chen, Jing Zhang, Continuous-variable quantum cloning of coherent states with phase-conjugate input modes using linear optics, Physical Review A 75, 022306 (2007).
Dong Wei, Dezhi Xiong, Haixia Chen, Pengjun Wang, Lu Guo and Jing Zhang, Simultaneous Mogneto-Optical trapping of Fermionic 40K and Bosonic 87Rb atoms, Chinese Physics Letters 24, 1541 (2007).
Dong Wei, Dezhi Xiong, Haixia Chen and Jing Zhang, An enriched 40K source for atomic cooling, Chinese Physics Letters 24, 679 (2007).
Xiaolong Su, Aihong Tan, Xiaojun Jia, Jing Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi PengExperimental preparation of quadripartite cluster and Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entangled states for continuous variables, Physical Review Letters 98, 070502 (2007).
Jing Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Continuous-variable quantum information distributor: reversible telecloning, Physical Review A 73, 042315 (2006).
Dong Wei, Haixia Chen, Dezhi Xiong and Jing Zhang, A laser diode system for 40K-87Rb atomic cooling, Acta Physica Sinica (in Chinese)(12): 6342-6346 (2006).
Jing Zhang and S. L. Braunstein, Continuous-variable Gaussian analog of cluster states, Physical Review A 73, 032318 (2006).
Chenguang Ye and Jing Zhang, Absorptive and dispersive properties in the phase-sensitive optical parametric amplification inside a cavity, Physical Review A 73, 023818 (2006).
Hongliang Ma, Chenguang Ye, Dong Wei and Jing Zhang, Coherence phenomena in the Phase-Sensitive optical parametric amplification inside a cavity, Physical Review Letters 95, 233601 (2005).
Jing Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Continuous-variable quantum state transfer with partially disembodied transport, Physical Review Letters 95, 170501 (2005).
F. Chevy, E. G. M. van kempen, T. Bourdel, Jing Zhang, L. Khaykovich, M. Teichmann, L. Tarruell, S. J. J. M. F. Kokkelmans and C. Salomon, Resonant scattering properties close to a p-wave Feshbach resonance, Physical Review A 71, 062710 (2005).
Jing Zhang, E. G. M. van kempen, T. Bourdel, L. Khaykovich, J. Cubizolles, F. Chevy, M. Teichmann, L. Tarruell, S. J. J. M. F. Kokkelmans and C. Salomon, P-wave Feshbach resonances of ultracold 6Li, Physical Review A 70, 030702(R) (2004).
T. Bourdel, L. Khaykovich, J. Cubizolles, Jing Zhang, F. Chevy, M. Teichmann, L. Tarruel, S. J. J. M. F. Kokkelmans, C. Salomon, Experimental Study of the BEC-BCS Crossover Region in Lithium 6, Physical Review Letters 93, 050401 (2004).
Jing Zhang, Y. Hong, S. L. Braunstein and K .A. Shore, Terahertz pulse generation and detection with LT-GaAs photoconductive antenna, IEE Proc. Optoelectronics 151, 98 (2004).
Jing Zhang, Kunchi Peng and S. L. Braunstein, Backaction-induced spin-squeezed states in a detuned quantum-nondemolition measurement, Physical Review A 68, 035802 (2003).
Jing Zhang and Kunchi Peng, Squeezing and entangling atomic motion in cavity QED via quantum nondemolition measurement, The European Physical Journal D 25, 89 (2003).
Jing Zhang, Dong Wei, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Characteristic of absorption and dispersion for Rb D2 lines with modulation transfer spectrum, Optics Express 11, 1338 (2003).
Jing Zhang, Kunchi Peng and S. L. Braunstein, Quantum-state transfer from light to macroscopic oscillators, Physical Review A 68, 013808 (2003).
Jing Zhang, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen sideband entanglement in broadband squeezed light, Physical Review A 67, 054302 (2003).
Jietai Jing, Jing Zhang, Ying Yan, Fagang Zhao, Changde Xie, Kunchi Peng, Experimental demonstration of tripartite entanglement and controlled dense coding for continuous variables, Physical Review Letters 90, 167903 (2003).
Jing Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Quantum key distribution for continuous variable by means of phase sensitive nondegenerate optical parametric amplifier, Europhysics Letters 61, 579 (2003).
Jing Zhang, Ma Hongliang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Suppression of intensity noise of LD-pumped single-frequency Nd:YVO4 laser by opto-electronic control, Applied Optics 42, 1068 (2003).
Jing Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Quantum entanglement and squeezing of quadrature difference of bright light fields, Physical Review A 66, 042319 (2002).
Jing Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Controlled dense coding for continuous variables using three particle entangled states, Physical Review A 66 032318 (2002).
Jing Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Entanglement swapping using nondegenerate optical parametric amplifier, Physical Review A 299, 427 (2002).
Jing Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Opto-electronic feedback control of the intensity noise of the single-frequency intracavity-doubled lasers, Journal of The Optical Society of America B 19, 1901 (2002).
Xiaoying Li, Qing Pan, Jietai Jing, Jing Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Quantum dense coding exploiting bright EPR beam, Physical Review Letters 88 047904 (2002).
Junxiang Zhang, Tiancai Zhang, Ruifang Dong, Jing Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Quantum measurements with an amplitude-squeezed light beam splitter, Applied Optics. 40, 5949 (2001).
Feng-Lei Hong, Jun Ishikawa, Zhi-Yi Bi, Jing Zhang, Katuo Seta, Atsushi Onae and Jun Yoda, A portable I2-stabilized Nd:YAG laser for international comparisons, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 50, 486 (2001).
Jing Zhang, Hua Tao, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Application of amplitude-squeezed state light from injection-locked laser diode in quantum teleportation and dense coding, Physical Review A 290,1 (2001).
Jing Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Quantum teleportation for continuous variable by means of phase sensitive nondegenerate optical parametric amplifier, Physical Review A 287, 7 (2001).
Jing Zhang, Tiancai Zhang, Ruifang Dong, Junxiang Zhang, Junming Wang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Influence of birefringence induced at low temperature upon balanced detection of polarization-dependent photon-number squeezing and it’s optical compensation, Journal of The Optical Society of America B 18, 1014 (2001).
Jing Zhang, Hong Chang, Xiaojun Jia, Hongxiang Lei, Runlin Wang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Suppression of the intensity noise of a LD-pumped single-frequency ring Nd:YVO4 -KTP green laser by opto-electronic feedback, Optics Letters 26, 695 (2001).
Jing Zhang, Tiancai Zhang, Kuanshou Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Quantum self-homodyne tomography with an empty cavity, Journal of The Optical Society of America B 17, 1955 (2000).
Jing Zhang, Yanli Cheng, Tiancai Zhang, Kuanshou Zhang, Changde Xie and Kunchi Peng, Investigation of the characteristics of the intensity noise of singly resonant active second-harmonic generation, Journal of The Optical Society of America B 17, 1695 (2000).
Jing Zhang and Kunchi Peng, Quantum teleportation and dense coding by means of bright amplitude-squeezed light and direct measurement of a Bell state, Physical Review A 62, 064302 (2000).
63.Xingyu Wang, Zhenlian Shi, Ziliang Li, Zhengyu Gu, Pengjun Wang and Jing Zhang,Effect of Magnetic Field Spatial Distribution on Free Flight of Bose-Einstein Condensates under High Bias Magnetic Field,Journal of Quantum Optics 28(1):8 –17, 2022.
62.Jie Miao, Guoqi Bian, Biao Shan, Liangchao Chen, Zengming Meng, Pengjun Wang, Lianghui Huang, and Jing Zhang, Achieving ultracold Bose-Fermi mixture of 87Rb and 40K with dual dark magnetic-optical-trap, Chin. Phys. B 31, 080306 (2022).
61.周方, 文凯, 王良伟, 刘方德, 韩伟, 王鹏军, 黄良辉, 陈良超, 孟增明, 张靖, "87Rb 玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体中双拉曼相对相位对 相干跃迁操控的实验研究*".物 理 学 报 70(15), 154204(2021).
60.Chengdong Mi, Khan Sadiq Nawaz, Pengjun Wang, Liangchao Chen, Zengming Meng, Lianghui Huang, and Jing Zhang, Production of dual species Bose–Einstein condensates of 39K and 87Rb∗, Chin. Phys. B 30, 063401(2021).
59. 吴亚东,孟增明,文凯,米成栋, 翟荟, 张 靖, “Active learning approach to optimization of experimental control”, Chinese Physics Letters 37(10), 103201 (2020).
58. 文凯,王良伟,周方,陈良超,王鹏军,孟增明 , 张 靖, “超冷87Rb 原子在二维光晶格中 Mott 绝缘态的实验实现”, 物理学报 69(19), 193201 (2020).
57. Khan Sadiq Nawaz,米成栋,陈良超, 王鹏军, 张 靖, “Experimental Investigation of the electromagnetically Induced-Absorption-Like effect for an N-Type energy level in a Rubidium BEC”, Chinese Physics Letters 36(4), 043201 (2019).
56. 杨广玉,陈良超,米成栋,王鹏军, 张 靖, “玻色爱因斯坦凝聚体中电磁诱导透明和电磁诱导吸收的研究”, 量子光学报 24(2), 156-163 (2018).
55. 彭鹏, 黄良辉, 李东豪, 王鹏军, 孟增明, 张 靖, “Influence on the lifetime of 87Rb Bose–Einstein Condensation for Far-Detuning Single-Frequency lasers with different phase noises”, Chinese Physics Letters Vol. 35, No. 6 (2018) 063201 35(6), 063201 (2018).
54. 彭鹏, 黄良辉, 李东豪, 孟增明, 王鹏军, 张 靖, “Experimental observation of Spin-Exchange in ultracold Fermi gases”, Chinese Physics Letters. 35(3), 033401 (2018).
53. 王亚琼,陈良超,王鹏军, 张 靖, “重力对87Rb冷原子四极磁阱装载的影响”, 量子光学报 22(1), 50-57 (2016).
52. Lianghui Huang,Pengjun Wang, Zengming Meng, Peng Peng, Liangchao Chen, Donghao Li, JingZhang, “Magnetic-Field dependence of raman coupling strength in ultracold 40K atomic Fermi gas”, Chinese Physics Letters. 30, 033401 (2016).
51. Xudong Yu, Wei Li, Shi-Yao Zhu, Jing Zhang, “Mach–Zehnder interferometer with squeezed and EPR entangled optical fields”, Chinese Physics B 25(2): 020304 (2016).
50. Wei Li, Xudong Yu, Zengming Meng, Yuanbin Jin, and Jing Zhang, “Experimental study of balanced optical homodyne and heterodyne detection by controlling sideband modulation”, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 58, 104201(2015).
49. 孟增明,黄良辉,彭鹏,陈良超,樊浩,王鹏军, 张 靖, “光学相位锁定激光在原子玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚中实现拉曼耦合”, 物理学报 Vol. 64, No. 24, 243202 (2015).
48.王芳,于旭东,孟增明, 张 靖, “电磁诱导透明介质中探测场量子噪声特性的实验研究”, 光学学报 Vol.34, No.5, 0527001 (2014).
47. 张岩, 于旭东, 邸克, 李卫, 张 靖, “压缩态光场平衡零拍探测的位相锁定”, 物理学报 Vol.34, No.7, 0727002 (2014).
46. Lianghui Huang, Pengjun Wang, ZhengKun Fu, Jing Zhang, “Radio-frequency spectroscopy of weakly bound molecules in ultracold Fermi gas”Chinese Physics B Vol.23, No.1, 013402 (2014).
45. Pengjun Wang, Jing Zhang, “Spin–orbit coupling in Bose–Einstein condensate and degenerate Fermi gases”Frontiers of Physics 9(5): 598 (2014).
44. 122. Yu Xu-Dong, Wei Li, Yuanbin Jin and Jing Zhang, “Experimental measurement of covariance matrix of two-mode entangled state” Science China (Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy), Vol. 57 No. 5,875 (2014).
43. Chen Liangchao, Yu Xu-Dong, Meng Zeng-Ming, and Jing Zhang, “Mode splitting of a cavity with a high-density birefringence rubidium vapor in the superstrong coupling regime”Science China (Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy), Vol. 57 No.7, 1283 (2014).
42. Yu Xu-Dong, Meng Zeng-Ming and Jing Zhang, “Measurement of intensity difference squeezing via non-degenerate four-wave mixing process in an atomic vapor”Chinese Physics B Vol.22, No.9, 094204 (2013).
41. Ke Di, Jing Zhang, “Coherent effect of triple-resonant optical parametric amplification inside a cavity with injection of a squeezed vacuum field”Chinese Physics B Vol.22, No.9, 094205 (2013).
40. 柴世杰, 王鹏军, 付正坤, 黄良辉, 张 靖, “玻色-费米气体量子简并光学偶极阱的设计”, 量子光学学报Vol.18, No.2 171-177 (2012).
39. Ke Di, Xudong Yu, Fengyu Cheng and Jing Zhang, “Phase-sensitive reflection of squeezed vacuum field in optical cavity”, Chinese Optics Letters 10(9), 091901(2012).
38. 邸克, 于旭东, 张 靖,“小型真空压缩光产生装置的实验研究”, 量子光学学报 Vol.16, No.4 241-246 (2011).
37. 霍强, 张 靖,“用于符合测量的多通道符合计数器”, 量子光学学报 Vol.17, No.2 135-140 (2011).
36. Pengjun Wang, Dezhi Xiong, Zhengkun Fu andJing Zhang, “Experimental investigation of evaporative cooling mixture of bosonic 87Rb and fermionic 40K atoms with microwave and radio frequency radiation”Chinese Physics B Vol.20, No.1, 016701(2011).
35. Pengjun Wang, ZhengKun Fu, Shijie Chai, Jing Zhang, “Feshbach resonances in an ultracold mixture of 87Rb and 40K”, Chinese Physics B Vol.20, No.10, 103401 (2011).
34. 王鹏军, 熊德智, 陈海霞, 张 靖, “原子吸收成像的二维光学密度分布获得量子简并费米气体参数” 光学学报 Vol.30, No.3 893-897 (2010).
33. 陈海霞, 熊德智, 王鹏军, 张 靖, “Pulse loading 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensation in optical lattice: the Kapitza-Dirac scattering and temporal matter-wave-dispersion Talbot effect” Chinese Optics Letters Vol.8, No.4, 1671-7694 (2010).
32. 熊德智, 王鹏军, 陈海霞, 张 靖, “Evaporative cooling rubidium atoms with microwave radiation” Chinese Optics Letters Vol.8, No.4, 351-353 (2010). PDF
31. Dezhi Xiong, Pengjun Wang, Zhengkun Fu, Shijie Chai and Jing Zhang, “Evaporative cooling of 87Rb atoms into Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical dipole trap” Chinses Optics Letters Vol.8, No.7 627 (2010).
30. 赵慧红, 于旭东, 张 靖, “线性色散理认描述内腔EIT介质的正交模式分裂”, 量子光学学报 Vol.15, No.4 299-303 (2009).
29. 高 峰, 叶晨光, 王鹏军, 张 靖, “光学耦合腔中类电磁感应透明现象的实验研究”, 光学学报 Vol.29,No.9, 2567-2569 (2009).
28. Dezhi Xiong, Haixia Chen, Pengjun Wang, Xudong Yu, Feng Gao, Jing Zhang, "Quantum degenerate Fermi–Bose mixtures of 40K and 87Rb atoms in a Quadrupole-Ioffe configuration trap” Chinese Physics Letters 25, 843 (2008).
27. 郭璐, 卫栋, 陈海霞, 熊德智, 王鹏军, 张 靖, “铷原子热蒸气中强非线性效应产生激光模式图样的实验研究”,物理学报 57(7), 4224(2008).
26. 王鹏军 陈海霞 熊德智 于旭东 高峰 张 靖,“实现玻色-费米混合气体量子简并的四极IOFFE组合磁阱设计”,物理学报57(8), 4840(2008).
25. 叶晨光, 张 靖,“利用PPKTP晶体产生真空压缩态及其Wigner准概率分布函数的量子重构” 物理学报 57(11), 6962 (2008).
24. Dong Wei, Dezhi Xiong, Haixia Chen, Pengjun Wang, Lu Guo, Jing Zhang, “Simultaneous Mogneto-Optical trapping of Fermionic 40K and Bosonic 87Rb atoms” Chinese Physics Letters24, 1541 (2007).
23. 卫 栋 , 熊德智 , 陈海霞 , 张 靖, “基于降温技术的宽范围外腔光栅可调谐半导体激光器” 量子光学学报 13(1),180(2007).
22. Dong Wei, Dezhi Xiong, Haixia Chen, Jing Zhang, “An enriched 40K source for atomic cooling” Chinese Physics Letters 24, 679 (2007).
21. Changde Xie, Jing Zhang, Qing Pan, Xiaojun Jia, Kunchi Peng,“Continuous variable quantum communication with bright entangled optical beams” Frontiers of Physics 4, 383 (2006).
20. 卫 栋,陈海霞,熊德智, 张 靖, “40K87Rb 原子冷却的半导体激光系统” 物理学报 54 (12): 6342-6346 (2006).
19. 马洪亮, 叶晨光, 卫栋, 张 靖,彭堃墀 “利用PPKTP晶体参量缩小过程产生振幅压缩光” 物理学报 54(8), 3637 (2005).
18. 张 靖, 陶 桦, 卫 栋, 董雅宾, 耿 涛, 王军民, 彭堃墀,"Rb 原子饱和吸收稳频半导体激光器系统" 光学学报 23(2) 197 (2003).
17. 张 靖, 马红亮, 罗 玉, 陶 桦, 张宽收,彭堃墀, "准相位匹配的 KTP 晶体获得高效外腔 谐振倍频绿光 ” 中国激光 , 29(12) 1057(2002).
16. 李小英, 荆杰泰, 张 靖, 潘 庆, 谢常德, 彭堃墀“由 NOPA产生高质量明亮压缩光及 明亮 EPR 光束” 物理学报 51 (5): 966-972 (2002).
15. 张 靖, 马红亮, 王润林, 李凤琴, 谢常德, 彭堃墀, "全固化环形单频 Nd∶YVO4可调谐激光器" 中国激光 29(7) 577 (2002).
14. 张 靖, 谢常德,彭堃墀, "明亮EPR光束的量子纠缠交换" 量子光学学报 18 (1)42(2002).
13. 董瑞芳 ,张俊香, 张天才 , 张 靖, 谢常德, 彭堃墀, "通过 λ/2 波片外腔同位相弱反馈实现激光二极管 激光的强度噪声压缩” 物理学报 Vol.50, No.3, 462 (2001).
12. 陈艳丽, 张 靖, 李永民, 张宽收, 谢常德, 彭堃墀, "利用模清洁器降低单频Nd:YVO4激光器 的强度噪声" 中国激光 , Vol.A21, No.3 (2001)p.197.
11. 陶 桦,刘 涛,张 靖,谢常德,彭堃墀 "低温下LD注入锁定产生的可调谐压缩光", 光学学报 21(12), 1486 (2001).
10. 张宽收,张 靖,王润林,马红亮,彭堃墀 "全固化单模单频绿光激光器", 中国学术期刊文摘 6,798 (2001).
9. 张 靖,雷宏香 ,王少凯, 王润林, 张宽收 ,谢常德, "可调谐全固化折叠腔单频倍频 Nd∶YVO4激光器", 中国激光 28(11) 971 (2001).
8. 张靖, 王润林,马红亮,张宽收,谢常德,彭堃墀 , "LD泵浦环形单频 Nd∶ YVO4 激光器的频率调谐特性研究" 光子学报 Vol.30, No.4, 473 (2001).
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6. 张宽收, 张 靖 ,谢常德, 彭堃墀, "利用二次谐波过程产生 532 nm 强度压缩光的 实验研究 " 物理学报 Vol.49, No.1 (2000) p.80.
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3. 张宽收, 张 靖,谢常德, 彭堃墀, "利用外腔谐振倍频获得高效倍频绿光" 光学学报 Vol.18, No.8 (1998) p.1015.
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1. 薛晨阳, 张 靖, 王海 ,郜江瑞, 张天才 ,谢常德 "不完善探测对强度差压缩度及光学测量精度的影响 " 量子光学学报 , Vol.2, No.4 (1996) p.193.
Kunchi Peng, Qing Pan, Jing Zhang and Changde Xie, “Experimental demonstration of quantum dense coding and quantum cryptography with continuous variables” S.L. Braunstein and A.K. Pati (eds.), “Quantum Information with Continuous Variables” Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.
国家专利 (中国)
1. 张宽收,张靖,王润林,郭蕊香,王军民,彭堃墀,“全固化单频倍频激光器” 国家专利 ZL 98 1 25474.5
2. 王润林,张宽收,张靖,彭堃墀,“整体腔全固化单频倍频激光器” 国家专利ZL 00 1 21443.8
3. 邸克, 于旭东, 张靖,“真空压缩态光产生装置” 国家专利ZL 2010 1 0110305.X