史少平,博士,硕士生导师,山西大学文瀛青年学者。主要致力于超低频段连续变量非经典光场制备与应用,量子精密测量和量子通信等领域研究。主持和参与国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划项目等省部委项目多项;先后在Physical Review Letters,Laser & Photonics Reviews,Light:Science& Applications,Photonics Research,Applied Physics Letters和Optics Letters等国内外重要学术刊物上发表论文20余篇,中国发明专利4项。
国家自然科学基金委员会,国家重大科研仪器研制项目, 62027821,亚音频段非经典光源研制, 2021.01 至 2025.12, 764.6万元,在研,参与。
国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,11874250,基于宽频带压缩态光场的量子激光雷达亚散粒噪声相干探测研究,2019-01-01至2022-12-31, 64万元,资助期满,参与。
Shi Shaoping*, Tian Long*, Wang Yajun, Zheng Yaohui, Xie Changde, and Peng Kunchi, Demonstration of Channel Multiplexing Quantum Communication Exploiting Entangled Sideband Modes, Physical Review Letters, 2020, 125, 070502.
Shi Shaoping, Wang Yajun, Tian Long, Li Wei, Wu Yimiao, Wang Qingwei, Zheng Yaohui; and Peng Kunchi; Continuous Variable Quantum Teleportation Network, Laser & Photonics Reviews 2023, 17, 2200508.
L. Gao, L.-a. Zheng, B. Lu, S. Shi*, L. Tian, and Y. Zheng*, "Generation of squeezed vacuum state in the millihertz frequency band," Light: Science & Applications 13, 294 (2024).
Y. Wu, L. Tian, W. Yao, S. Shi* X. Liu, B. Lu, Y. Wang, and Y. Zheng*, "Continuous variable quantum teleportation network with star topology," Applied Physics Letters 124 (2024).
Shi Shaoping, Wu Yimiao, Gao Li, Zheng Li-Ang, Tian Long, Wang Yajun, Li Wei, and Zheng Yaohui, Generating six pairs of bandwidth-expanded entangled sideband modes via time delay compensation, Optics Letters 2023, 48(11), 3111-3114.
Shi Shaoping, Wang Yajun, Tian Long, Wang Jinrong, Sun Xiaocong, and Zheng Yaohui, Observation of a comb of squeezed states with strong squeezing factor by a bichromatic local oscillator, Optics Letters, 2020, 45(8), 2419-2422.
Shi Shaoping, Wang Yajun, Yang Wenhai, Zheng Yaohui, and Peng Kunchi. Detection and perfect fitting of 13.2 dB squeezed vacuum states by considering green-light-induced infrared absorption, Optics Letters 2018, 43(21), 5411-5414.
Tian Long*, Shi Shaoping*, Li Yuhang*, Wu Yimiao, Li Wei, Wang Yajun, Liu Qiang, and Zheng Yaohui, Entangled sideband control scheme via frequency-comb-type seed beam, Optics Letters, 2021, 46(16), 3989-3992.
Li Fan, Zhang Xiaoli, Li Jianbo, Wang Jiawei, Shi Shaoping#, Tian Long, Wang Yajun, Chen Lirong, and Zheng Yaohui#, Demonstration of fully-connected quantum communication network exploiting entangled sideband modes, Frontiers of Physics 2023, 18, 42303.
史少平,杨文海,郑耀辉,王雅君,压缩态光场制备中的单频激光源噪声分析,中国激光,2019,46(7): 0701009.
W. Yao, X. Zhang, L. Tian, X. Liu, S. Shi, and Y. Zheng, "Loss-tolerant and supersensitive angular rotation estimation based on quantum-enhanced interferometers," Physical Review A 110, 032429 (2024).
Tian Long, Zheng Li-Ang, Zhang Xiaoli, Wu Yimiao, Wang Qingwei, Qin Bo, Wang Yajun, Li Wei, Shi Shaoping, Chen Lirong, and Zheng Yaohui, Resonant electro-optic phase modulator and photodetector for stabilizing laser frequency and quantum optics, Acta Physica Sinica 2023, 72, 148502.
Yimiao Wu, Qingwei. Wang, Long Tian, Xiaoli Zhang, Jiawei Wang, Shaoping Shi, Yajun Wang, and Yaohui Zheng, Multi-channel multiplexing quantum teleportation based on the entangled sideband modes. Photonics Research, 2022, 10, 1909.
Sun Yu, Tian Yuhang, Wang Yajun, Jiao Nanjing, Ju Mingjian, Wang Weijie, An Bingnan, Shi Shaoping, Tian Long, and Zheng Yaohui, Squeezing level strengthened by a temperature dependent dispersion compensation methodology, Optics Communications 2023, 530, 129192.
Yang Wenhai, Shi Shaoping, Yajun Wang, Weiguang Ma, Kunchi Peng, Detection of stably bright squeezed light with the quantum noise reduction of 12.6 dB by mutually compensating the phase fluctuations, Optics Letters, 2017, 42(21), 4553.
Tian Long, Shi Shaoping, Tian Yuhang, Wang Yajun, Zheng Yaohui, and Peng Kunchi, Resource reduction for simultaneous generation of two types of continuous variable nonclassical states, Frontiers of Physics, 2020, 16, 21502.
Chen Chaoyong, Shi Shaoping, and Zheng Yaohui, Low-noise, transformer-coupled resonant photodetector for squeezed state generation. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2017, 88, 103101.
Sun Xiaocong, Wang Yajun, Tian Long, Shi, Shaoping, Zheng, Yaohui, and Peng Kunchi. Dependence of the squeezing and anti-squeezing factors of bright squeezed light on the seed beam power and pump beam noise, Optics Letters, 2019, 44(7), 1789-1792.
Yao Wenxiu, Wang Qingwei, Tian Long, Li Ruixin, Shi Shaoping, Wang Jinrong, Wang Yajun, and Zheng Yaohui, Realizing high efficiency 532 nm laser by optimizing the mode- and impedance-matching, Laser Physics Letters, 18, 015001 (2020).
史少平,高丽,郑立昂,田龙,郑耀辉, 一种平衡零拍探测器,2023-4-13,中国,CN2023103945774.
Email: ssp4208@sxu.edu.cn