2024 2021 2020 2019
Coherent dressing of ground-state spin in a thermal atomic ensemble

Realizing Exceptional Points by Floquet Dissipative Couplings in Thermal Atoms

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 133, 133601 (2024)
Dynamical topological quantum phase transitions in high-order topological systems

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 110, 064306 (2024)
Concurrent Spin Squeezing and Light Squeezing in an Atomic Ensemble

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 133, 173604 (2024)
Nonreciprocity and Quantum Correlations of Light Transport in Hot Atoms via Reservoir Engineering

Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 223603 (2021)
Digital quantum simulation of Floquet topological phases with a solid-state quantum simulator

Photonics Research 9, 81-87 (2021)
Adiabaticity in state preparation for spin squeezing of large atom ensembles

Photonics Research,9,2318(2021)
Spin squeezing of 1011 atoms by prediction and retrodiction measurements

Nature 581, 159-163 (2020)
Retrodiction beyond the Heisenberg uncertainty relation

Nature Commnunications 11, 5658 (2020)
Reservoir-Mediated Quantum Correlations in Non-Hermitian Optical System

Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 030401 (2020)
Magnetostrictively Induced Stationary Entanglement between Two Microwave Fields

Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 213604 (2020)
Detecting the out-of-time-order correlations of dynamical quantum phase transitions in a solid-state quantum simulator

Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 194002 (2020)
Spontaneous phase locking of mechanical multimodes in anti-parity-time optomechanics

Optics Express 28, 28762 (2020)
Spatial Multiplexing of Squeezed Light by Coherence Diffusion

Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 203604 (2019)