Welcome to visit the homepage of cavity quantum electrodynamics (CQED) research group in the State Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics Devices and the Institute of Opto-Electronics, Shanxi University! We are exploring the interaction between light and matter in a strongly confined space, i.e. the cavity quantum electrodynamics. The study mainly focuses on the system of strongly coupled cesium atoms and optical cavity, and the fundamental problems and new technologies about quantum information processing, quantum resources, quantum metrology are currently under investigation. The researches of manipulation of single atoms, fabrication of nano optical fiber, and the quantum enhanced quantum measurement are also being performed. For more details, click here. You are welcome to visit or join us!
News and Highlights
May 6, 2023: "Non-Reciprocal Cavity Polariton with Atoms Strongly Coupled to Optical Cavity" by Pengfei Yang, et al, has been published on Laser & Photonics Reviews.
Apr 28, 2023: "Realization of Strong Coupling between Deterministic Single-Atom Arrays and a High-Finesse Miniature Optical Cavity" by Yanxin Liu, and Zhihui Wang, et al, has been published on Physical Review Letters.
Dec, 2022: Lijun Song and Guanhua Zuo were awarded their PhD degrees. Congratulations to them!
Sep 15, 2022: Welcome Ms Jingyu Rong, Mr Xiaowei Chen, Mr Yukang Liang, and Mr Jianting Wang. They join us as Master students.
Sep 15, 2021: Welcome Mr Shijun Guan, Mr Tao Feng, Mr Xin Lv, and Mr Chen Qin. They join us as Master students.
Sep 20, 2020: Welcome Ms Jiayu Zhang, Mr Weizhi Yan, Mr Yudong Hu, and Mr Pei Zhang. They join us as Master students.
May 25, 2020: Pengfei Yang was awarded his PhD degree for his work on "Study on the Optical Nonreciprocity in Strongly Coupled Cavity QED System". Ruifang Ge, Xing Han, Xiangyan Li, and Xiaofeng Yang were awarded their Master degrees for their works on cavity, atoms, and cavity-atom interactions. Congratulations to them!
May 7, 2020: Research article "Measurement of High-Order Coherence of Light Field Based on Intensified Charge-Coupled Device" by Jinkai Cao, et al, was awarded the Editor's Recommendation Award by Chinese Laser Press. Announcement from Chinese Laser Press
Apr 23, 2020: We welcome Dr. Zhihui Wang's comimg back. He will join us again as a Post-Doc Researcher in cavity QED research.
Apr 20, 2020: "Measurement of magnetically insensitive state coherent time in blue dipole trap" by Xiangyan Li, et al, was selected as Editor's Suggestion in the 8th Volume of Acta Physica Sinica published in 2020.
Mar 25, 2020: Patent "A device and method for nondestructive measurement of the uniformity of microsphere diameter" was granted with Chinese Patent No. 201910643473.6.
Feb 27, 2020: " High-Efficiency Detection of Single Emitter Based on Micro-Hollow Waveguides" by Pengfei Zhang, et al, was selected as one of the Outstanding Articles in the 3rd Volume of Acta Optica Sinica published in 2020.
Feb 19, 2020: Patent "An Optical Cavity with Automatically-Compensating Temperature-Drifts" was granted with Chinese Patent No. ZL201910200108.8.
Jan 5, 2020: "Generation of bright polarization squeezed light at cesium D2 line based on optical parameter amplifier" by Guanhua Zuo, et al, was selected as Editor's Suggestion in the 1st Volume of Acta Physica Sinica published in 2020.
Dec 20, 2019: "Triply magic conditions for microwave transition of optically trapped alkali-metal atoms" by Gang Li, et al, has been published on Physical Review Letters. NSFC report Shanxi University News
Dec 13, 2019: We welcome Dr. Shaoxiong Wu from North University of China. He will join us as a Post-Doc Researcher.
Dec 4, 2019: "Realization of nonlinear optical nonreciprocity on a few-photon level based on atoms strongly coupled to an asymmetric cavity" by Pengfei Yang, et al, has been published on Physical Review Letters. NSFC report Shanxi University News
Nov 22, 2019: Chen Yang was awarded her PhD degree for her work on "Experimental and Theoretical Research Based on the Linearly Polarized Atomic Magnetometer". Congratulations!
Sep 27, 2019: We welcome Mr. Arif Kamal and Ms. Ruttab Nadeem Sheikh from Pakistan. They will join us for short term visiting.
Jul 1, 2019: "Measurement of High-Order Coherence of Light Field Based on Intensified Charge-Coupled Device" by Jinkai Cao, et al, was selected as the Cover Paper and one of the Outstanding Articles of Acta Optica Sinica.
May 19, 2019: Jinkai Cao was awarded his MasterD degree for his work on "Measurement of High Order Coherence of Light Field Based on Intensified CCD". Congratulations!
May 18, 2019: Yali Tian was awarded her PhD degree for her work on "Coherent Manipulation of Single Atom Qubit". Congratulations!
May 5, 2019: "Influence of pump light on sensitivity of magnetometer based on linearly polarized Bell-Bloom structure" by Chen Yang, et al, was selected as the Cover Article of Acta Physica Sinica.