期刊学术论文 (Journal Papers)
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) | 论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
264 |
Xiaokai HOU, Yuewei WANG, Wenjing SU, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Trap-loss fluorescence spectroscopy of cesium magneto-optical trap with single-photon Rydberg excitation and the background electric field measurement and regulation | Optics Express | 2025 |
33(4),p.7081~p.7094 |
263 |
Rui CHANG, Tao WANG, Yuhui YANG, Lili HAO, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Effect of the Coupling Beam with Different Intensity Profile upon Rydberg EIT and Rydberg Two-Color Polarization Spectroscopy with Cesium Ladder-Type Level | Advanced Quantum Technologies | 2025 |
8(1),2400469 |
262 |
Yang LI, Lulu ZHANG, Yongbiao YANG, Junye ZHAO, Yanhua WANG, Baodong YANG, Junmin WANG |
Spin alignment based rubidium magnetometry with free spin precession | Submitted to Review of Scientific Instruments |
2025 |
(Under Review) |
261 |
Lulu ZHANG, Yongbiao YANG, Junye ZHAO, Yang LI, Baodong YANG, Yanhua WANG, Junmin WANG |
采用反抽运光增强自旋排列态RF型铷原子磁强计灵敏度研究 | Submitted to 物理学报 |
2025 |
(Under Review) |
260 |
Xiaokai HOU, Yuewei WANG, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Reverse-neural network assisted analysis of of Autler-Townes doublet in the trap-loss fluorescence spectroscopy of cesium MOT with single step Rydberg excitation | Submitted to Scientific Reports |
2025 |
(Under Review) |
259 |
Wenjing SU, Yirong WEI, Xiaokai HOU, Yuewei WANG, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
FPGA在319 nm波长单频紫外激光系统锁频中的应用 | 量子光学学报 | 2025 |
Accepted for Publication |
258 |
Ni ZHAO, Yongbiao YANG, Lulu ZHANG, Yang LI, Junye ZHAO Baodong YANG Yanhua WANG Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
采用原子磁强计和磁通门磁强计标定磁场线圈常数及对比 | 量子光学学报 | 2025 |
Accepted for Publication |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) | 论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
257 |
Lulu ZHANG, Yongbiao YANG, Junye ZHAO, Yanhua WANG, Junmin WANG |
Comparison and analysis of methods for measuring the spin transverse relaxation time of rubidium atomic vapor | Optics Express | 2024 |
32(26),p.46322~p.46334 |
256 |
Yijie DU, Nan CONG, Yao LIU, Ziyao LYU, Jun HE, Renfu YANG |
Enhanced microwave-atom coupling via quadrupole transition-dressed Rydberg atoms | Frontiers in Physics | 2024 |
12,1312930 |
255 |
Junye ZHAO, Yongbiao YANG, Lulu ZHANG, Yang LI, Junmin WANG |
Improving 795-nm single-frequency laser’s frequency stability by means of the bright-state spectroscopy with rubidium vapor cell | Photonics | 2024 |
11(12),1165 |
254 |
Zhihui LIU, Xiaona LIU, Jun HE, Yao LIU, Nan SU, Ting CAI, Yijie DU, Jieying WANG, Dongliang PEI, Junmin WANG |
里德伯原子幻零波长 | 物理学报 | 2024 |
73(13),130701 |
253 |
Tingting LIU, Xiaohua YANG, Yashuai HAN, Junmin WANG |
基于相干反馈的相敏放大器强度差压缩增强研究 | 物理学报 | 2024 |
73(13),134203 |
252 |
Xuechao ZHANG, Jiahui QIAO, Yao LIU, Nan SU, Zhihui LIU, Ting CAI, Jun HE, Yanting ZHAO, Junmin WANG |
基于里德伯原子天线的低频电场波形测量 | 物理学报 | 2024 |
73(7),070201 |
251 |
Ting CAI, Jun HE, Zhihui LIU, Yao LIU, Nan SU, Pengfei SHI, Gang JIN, Yongjie CHENG, Junmin WANG |
基于纳秒光脉冲激发的里德伯原子光谱 | 物理学报 | 2024 |
74(1),013201 |
250 |
Yuewei WANG, Feifei LU, Xiaokai HOU, Junmin WANG |
调制转移光谱对激光频率起伏分辨率的影响因素分析及优化方法 | 中国光学 | 2024 |
17(4),p.801~p.809 |
249 |
Yunhao ZHANG, Kui LIU, Jiangrui GAO, Junmin WANG |
光纤布拉格光栅长外腔反馈半导体激光器特性研究 | 中国光学 | 2024 |
17(5),p.1035~p.1041 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) | 论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
248 |
Rui CHANG, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Interference filter based external-cavity diode laser with combined dual interference filters and largely adjustable feedback range | Physica Scripta |
2023 |
98(12),125111 |
247 |
Qinxia WANG, Zhihui WANG, Yanxin LIU, Shijun GUAN, Jun HE, Changling ZOU, Pengfei ZHANG, Gang LI, Tiancai ZHANG |
Cavity-enhanced optical bistability of Rydberg atoms | Optics Letters |
2023 |
48(11),p.2865~p.2868 |
246 |
Ni ZHAO, Lulu ZHANG, Yongbiao YANG, Jun HE, Yanhua WANG, Tingyu LI, Junmin WANG |
Characterizing current noise of commercial constant-current sources by using of an optically-pumped rubidium atomic magnetometer | Review of Scientific Instruments |
2023 | 94(9),095001 |
245 |
Lili HAO, Rui CHANG, Xiaokai HOU, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Narrow-linewidth 852-nm DBR-LD with self-injection lock based on high-finesse optical cavity filtering | Photonics |
2023 | 10(8),936 |
244 |
Jiandong BAI, Yang LIU, Shaofeng FAN, Shuo LIU, Wenyuan LIU, Qi JIE, Yijun LI, Junmin WANG |
Magic wavelengths for the 6S-7P transition of cesium atoms | Results in Physics |
2023 | 52(10),106853 |
243 |
Xin WANG, Xiaokai HOU, Feifei LU, Rui CHANG, Lili HAO, Wenjing SU, Jiandong BAI, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Autler–Townes splitting in the trap-loss fluorescence spectroscopy due to single-step direct Rydberg excitation of cesium cold atomic ensemble | AIP Advances |
2023 | 13(3),035126 |
242 |
Xiaokai HOU, Shuo LIU, Xin WANG, Feifei LU, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Suppression of laser beam's polarization and intensity fluctuation via a Mach–Zehnder interferometer with proper feedback | AIP Advances |
2023 | 13(1),015218 |
241 |
Qinxia WANG, Zhihui WANG, Yanxin LIU, Shijun GUAN, Jun HE, Changling ZOU, Pengfei ZHANG, Gang LI, Tiancai ZHANG |
腔增强热里德伯原子光谱 | 物理学报 |
2023 |
72(8), 087801 |
240 |
Yao LIU, Jun HE, Nan SU, Ting CAI, Zhihui LIU, Wenting DIAO, Junmin WANG |
用于铯原子里德伯态激发的 509 nm波长脉冲激光系统 | 物理学报 |
2023 | 72(6),060303 |
239 |
Jiandong BAI, Shuo LIU, Wenyuan LIU, Qi XIE, Junmin WANG |
极化角依赖的铯原子魔术波长光阱理论分析 | 物理学报 |
2023 | 72(6),063102 |
238 |
Qiqi NIU, Nan SU, Yao LIU, Xiaojuan BAN, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
里德堡原子双色偏振谱激光稳频 | 量子光学学报 |
2023 | 29(3) ,031001 |
237 |
Xiaojuan BAN, Nan SU, Yao LIU, Qiqi NIU, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
微波信号的相位噪声对铯里德堡原子天线微波混频的影响 | 量子光学学报 |
2023 | 29(2) ,020501 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) | 论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
236 |
Lele BAI, Lulu ZHANG, Yongbiao YANG, Rui CHANG, Yao QIN, Jun HE, Xin WEN, Junmin WANG |
Enhancement of spin noise spectroscopy of rubidium atomic ensemble by using of the polarization squeezed light | Opt. Express |
2022 | 30(2),p.1925~p.1935 |
235 |
Lulu ZHANG, Yongbiao YANG, Ni ZHAO, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Multi-pass optically pumped rubidium atomic magnetometer with free induction decay | Sensors |
2022 | 22(19),7598 |
234 |
Feifei LU, Xiaokai HOU, Xin WANG, Miao GUO, Rui CHANG, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Analysing and measuring the diode laser's linewidth affected by the driving current's white noise |
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B |
2022 | 39(9), p.2450~p.2456 |
233 |
Yongbiao YANG, Lulu ZHANG, Lele BAI, Jun HE, Yanhua WANG, Junmin WANG |
Employing spin noise spectroscopy of rubidium ensemble to calibrate Hall magnetometer when measuring weak magnetic fields | Opt. Commun. |
2022 | 525,128802 |
232 |
Baodong YANG, Zhiyu GOU; Junmin WANG, Haitao ZHOU |
Doppler-free dual-excited state spectroscopy and its application for measurement of hyperfne structure of 6D5/2 level of 133Cs | Appl. Phys. B |
2022 | 128(11),212 |
231 |
Yanhua WANG, Zhihua KANG, Li YANG, Qiang MA, Yu WANG, Yabin DONG, Junmin WANG |
Time response of spin-polarized rubidium thermal gas with radio-frequency pulse driving | J. Appl. Phys. |
2022 | 131(13),134402 |
230 |
Jiandong BAI, Xin WANG, Xiaokai HOU, Wenyuan LIU, Junmin WANG |
Angle-dependent magic optical trap for the 6S1/2-nP3/2 Rydberg transition of cesium atoms | Photonics |
2022 | 9(5), 303 |
229 |
Miao GUO, Kong ZHANG, Yunhao ZHANG, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Improving the signal-to-noise ratio of photonic frequency conversion from 852 nm to 1560 nm based on a long-wavelength laser pumped PPLN waveguide module | Photonics |
2022 | 9(12),971 |
228 |
Yijie DU, Nan CONG, Xiaogang WEI, Xiaonan ZHANG, Wenhao Luo, Jun HE, Renfu YANG |
Realization of multiband communications using different Rydberg final states | AIP Advances |
2022 | 12(6),065118 |
227 |
Yi LIU, Baodong YANG, Junmin WANG, Wenyi HUANG, Zhiyu GOU, Haitao ZHOU |
Demonstration of Faraday anomalous dispersion optical filter with reflection configuration | Chinese Phys. B |
2022 | 31(1),017804 |
226 |
Yashuai HAN, Xiao ZHANG, Zhao ZHANG, Jun QU, Junmin WANG |
基于级联光参量放大器的碱金属原子跃迁线波段 压缩光源分析 | 物理学报 |
2022 | 71(7),074202 |
225 |
Wenyi HUANG, Baodong YANG, Jian FAN, Junmin WANG, Haitao ZHOU |
基于铯原子气室反抽运光增强相干蓝光 | 物理学报 |
2022 | 71(18),187801 |
224 |
Gang JIN, Yongjie CHENG, Chengzu HUANG, Xingxun LIU, Wanquan QI, Jun HE |
用于里德堡原子激发的激光系统实现 | 中国激光 |
2022 | 49(7),0701003 |
223 |
Xin WANG, Xiaokai HOU, Feifei LU, Jiandong BAI, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
高稳定性2W输出千赫兹(kHz)线宽319nm紫外连续激光系统(特邀) | 光电技术应用 |
2022 | 37(4), p.64~p.69 |
222 |
Feifei LU, Jiandong BAI, Xiaokai HOU, Xin WANG, Lili HAO, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
置于超高真空环境且控温的超稳光学腔的腔线宽及零膨胀温度点测定 | 量子光学学报 |
2022 | 28(4), p.283~p.290 |
221 |
Xin WANG, Xiaokai HOU, Feifei LU, Lili HAO, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
采用简化的飞行时间荧光成像法测量冷原子样品的等效温度 | 量子光学学报 |
2022 | 28(3), p.223~p.230 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) | 论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
220 |
Jun HE, Qiang LIU, Ze YANG, Qiqi NIU, Xiaojuan BAN, Junmin WANG |
Noise spectroscopy with a Rydberg ensemble in a hot atomic vapor cell | Phys. Rev. A |
2021 | 104(6),063120 |
219 |
Lele BAI, Xin WEN, Yulin YANG, Lulu ZHANG, Jun HE, Yanhua WANG, Junmin WANG |
Quantum-enhanced rubidium atomic magnetometer based on Faraday rotation via 795 nm Stokes operator squeezed light | J. Opt. |
2021 | 23(8),085202 |
218 |
Yashuai HAN, Zhao ZHANG, Zhengxian ZHOU, Jun QU, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Enhancement of squeezing with the cascaded and the coherent feedback-controlled degenerate optical parametric amplifiers | J. Opt. Soc. Am. B |
2021 | 38(10),p.3096 |
217 |
张露露, 白乐乐, 杨煜林, 杨永彪, 王彦华, 温馨, 何军, 王军民 |
采用反抽运光改善光泵铷原子磁强计的灵敏度 | 物理学报 |
2021 | 70(23),230702 |
216 |
刘强, 何军, 王军民 |
室温铯原子气室窄线宽相干布居振荡光谱 | 物理学报 |
2021 | 70(16),163202 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
205 |
Jiandong BAI, Jieying WANG, Shuo LIU, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Autler-Townes doublet in single-photon Rydberg spectra of cesium atomic vapor with a 319 nm UV laser | Appl. Phys. B | 2019 | 125(3), 33 |
204 |
Kong ZHANG, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Single-pass laser frequency conversion to 780.2 nm and 852.3 nm based on PPMgO:LN bulk crystals and diode-laser-seeded fiber amplifiers | Appl. Sci. | 2019 | 9(22), 4924 |
203 |
Baodong YANG, Jinfang ZHANG, Junmin WANG |
Narrow linewidth two-color polarization spectroscopy due to the atomic coherence effect in a ladder-type atomic system | Chinese Opt. Lett. | 2019 | 17(9), 093001 |
202 |
张锦芳, 任雅娜, 王军民, 杨保东 |
铯原子激发态双色偏振光谱 | 物理学报 | 2019 | 68(11), 113201 |
201 |
刘硕, 白建东, 王杰英, 何军, 王军民 |
铯原子nP_3/2(n=70-94)里德伯态的紫外单光子激发及量子亏损测量 | 物理学报 | 2019 | 68(7), 073201 |
200 |
王军民, 白建东, 王杰英, 刘硕, 杨保东, 何军 |
瓦级319nm单频连续紫外激光的实现及铯原子单光子Rydberg激发 | 中国光学 | 2019 | 12(4), p. 701 |
199 |
王家超 , 孙瑞 王欣 , 张孔 , 何军, 王军民 |
单原子光镊的激光强度起伏对原子俘获寿命的影响及改善 | 量子光学学报 | 2019 | 25(2), p. 180 |
198 |
Huan REN, Yanhua WANG, Lin QIN, Junmin WANG |
Optical readout of acoustic responses of an external-cavity diode laser | Proc. SPIE | 2019 | 11028, 110281O |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
197 |
Yashuai HAN , Xin WEN, Jinyu LIU, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Generation of polarization squeezed light with an optical parametric amplifier at 795nm | Opt. Commun. | 2018 | 416, p.1-p.4 |
196 |
温馨 , 韩亚帅 , 刘金玉 , 白乐乐 , 何军, 王军民 |
低分析频率压缩光的实验制备 | 物理学报 | 2018 | 67(2), 024207 |
195 |
白乐乐 , 温馨 , 杨煜林 , 刘金玉 , 何军, 王军民 |
基于声光频移器反馈控制的397.5nm紫外激光功率稳定研究 | 中国激光 | 2018 | 45(10), 1001008 |
194 |
王彦华, 秦林, 任欢, 王军民 |
激光器系统声音响应和隔音特性研究 | 中国激光 | 2018 | 45(7), 0701004 |
193 |
刘金玉 , 何军, 王军民 |
852nm窄带滤光片外腔反馈半导体激光器的优化 | 量子光学学报 | 2018 | 24(1), p.98 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
181 |
Bei LIU, Gang JIN, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Suppression of single-cesium-atom heating in a microscopic optical dipole trap for demonstration of an 852-nm triggered single-photon source | Phys. Rev. A | 2016 | 94(1), 013409 |
180 |
Jun HE, Gang JIN , Bei LIU , Junmin WANG |
Amplification of a nanosecond laser pulse chain via dynamic injection locking of a laser diode | Opt. Lett. | 2016 | 41(24), p.5724 |
179 |
Yashuai HAN, Xin WEN, Jun HE, Baodong YANG, Yanhua WANG, Junmin WANG |
Improvement of vacuum squeezing resonant on the rubidium D1 line at 795 nm | Opt. Express | 2016 | 24(3), p.2350 |
178 |
Hikaru Tamura, Tomoyuki Unakami, Jun HE, Yoko Miyamoto, Ken'ichi Nakagawa, |
Highly uniform holographic microtrap arrays for single atom trapping using a feedback optimization of in-trap fluorescence measurements | Opt. Express | 2016 | 24(8), p.8132 |
177 |
Guang YANG, Jie WANG, Baodong YANG, Junmin WANG |
Determination of the hyperfine coupling constant of the cesium 7S1/2 state | Laser Phys. Lett. | 2016 | 13(8), 085702 |
176 |
Jieying WANG, Jiandong BAI, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Development and characterization of a 2.2 W narrow-linewidth 318.6 nm ultraviolet laser | J. Opt. Soc. Am. B | 2016 | 33(10), p.2020 |
175 |
Gang JIN, Bei LIU, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
High on/off ratio nanosecond laser pulses for a triggered single-photon source | Appl. Phys. Express | 2016 | 9(7), 072702 |
174 |
Junmin WANG, Kong ZHANG, Yulong GE, Shanlong GUO |
Efficient frequency doubler of 1560nm laser based on a semi-monolithic resonant cavity with a PPKTP crystal | Opt. Commun. | 2016 | 369, p.194 |
173 |
Jieying WANG, Jiandong BAI, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Realization and characterization of single- frequency tunable 637.2 nm high-power laser | Opt. Commun. | 2016 | 370, p.150 |
172 |
Xin WEN, Yashuai HAN, Junmin WANG |
Comparison and characterization of efficient frequency doubling at 397.5 nm with PPKTP, LBO, and BiBO crystals | Laser Phys. | 2016 | 26, 045401 |
171 |
Baodong YANG, Jie WANG, Junmin WANG |
Two-color cesium magneto-optical trap with a ladder-type atomic system | Chinese Opt. Lett. | 2016 | 14(4), 040201 |
170 |
刘贝 , 靳刚 , 何军, 王军民 |
基于微型光学偶极阱中单个铯原子俘获与操控的852nm触发式单光子源 | 物理学报 | 2016 | 65(23), 233701 |
169 |
任雅娜, 杨保东, 王 杰, 杨 光, 王军民 |
铯原子7S1/2态磁偶极超精细常数的测量 | 物理学报 | 2016 | 65(7), 073103 |
168 |
张 孔, 白建东, 何 军, 王军民 |
激光线宽对单次通过PPMgO:LN晶体倍频效率的影响 | 物理学报 | 2016 | 65(7), 074207 |
167 |
温 馨, 韩亚帅, 何 军, 王彦华, 杨保东, 王军民 |
PPKTP晶体半整体腔谐振倍频的397.5nm紫外激光输出 | 光学学报 | 2016 | 36(4), 0414001 |
166 |
白建东, 王杰英, 王军民 |
基于光纤延时声光频移自差拍法快速测量激光线宽 | 激光与光电子学进展 | 2016 | 53(6), 061407 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
165 |
Yulong GE, Shanlong GUO, Yashuai HAN, Junmin WANG |
Realization of 1.5W 780nm single-frequency laser by using cavity-enhanced frequency doubling of an EDFA boosted 1560nm diode laser | Opt. Commun. | 2015 | 334, p.74 |
164 |
Shanlong GUO, Yulong GE, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Singly resonant sum-frequency generation of 520-nm laser via a variable input-coupling transmission cavity | J. Mod. Opt. | 2015 | 62, p.1583 |
163 |
Jun HE, Bei LIU, Wending DIAO, Jieying WANG, Gang JIN, Junmin WANG |
Efficient loading of single neutral atom into an optical microscopic tweezer | Chinese Phys. B | 2015 | 24, 042701 |
162 |
刘 贝, 靳 刚, 王杰英, 何 军, 王军民 |
利用光致原子解吸附实现磁光阱中单原子的高概率快速装载 | 光学学报 | 2015 | 35, 1102001 |
161 |
郭善龙, 葛玉隆, 张 孔, 何 军, 王军民 |
520nm泵浦780nm+1560nm双共振光学参量振荡器 | 量子光学学报 | 2015 | 21, p.93 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
160 |
Jie WANG, Huifeng LIU, Guang YANG, Baodong YANG, Junmin WANG |
Determination of the hyperfine structure constants of the 87Rb and 85Rb 4D5/2 state and the isotope hyperfine anomaly | Phys. Rev. A | 2014 | 90(5), 052505 |
159 |
Xin WEN, Yashuai HAN, Jiandong BAI, Jun HE, Baodong YANG, Yanhua WANG, Junmin WANG |
Cavity-enhanced frequency doubling from 795nm to 397.5nm ultra-violet coherent radiation with PPKTP crystals in the low pump power regime | Opt. Express | 2014 | 22(26), p.32293 |
158 |
Junmin WANG, Shanlong GUO, Yulong GE, Yongjie CHENG, Baodong YANG, Jun HE |
State-insensitive dichromatic optical- dipole trap for rubidium atoms: calculation and the dichromatic laser’s realization | J. Phys. B: At. Mol. & Opt. Phys. | 2014 | 47(9), 095001 |
157 |
Yashuai HAN, Xin WEN, Jiandong BAI, Baodong YANG, Yanhua WANG, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Generation of 130 mW of 397.5 nm tunable laser via ring-cavity-enhanced frequency doubling | J. Opt. Soc. Am. B | 2014 | 31(8), p.1942 |
156 |
Jie WANG, Huifeng LIU, Baodong YANG, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Determining the hyperfine structure constants of cesium 8S1/2 state aided by atomic coherence | Meas. Sci. Technol. | 2014 | 25(3), 035501 |
155 |
Shanlong GUO, Yulong GE, Yashuai HAN, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Investigation of optical inhomogeneity of MgO:PPLN crystals for frequency doubling of 1560nm laser | Opt. Commun. | 2014 | 326, p.114 |
154 |
Baodong YANG, Jie WANG, Huifeng LIU, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Laser frequency offset locking by marrying modulation side-band with the two-color polarization spectroscopy in a ladder-type atomic system | Opt. Commun. | 2014 | 319, p.174 |
153 |
Baodong YANG, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Off-resonant double-resonance optical- pumping spectra and its application in multiphoton cesium magneto-optical trap | Chinese Phys. B | 2014 | 23(5), 054205 |
152 |
Yashuai HAN, Shanlong GUO, Jie WANG, Huifeng LIU, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Efficient frequency doubling of a telecom 1560nm laser with a MgO:PPLN waveguide and frequency stabilization to Rb D2 line via modulation transfer spectroscopy | Chinese Opt. Lett. | 2014 | 12(12), 121401 |
151 |
刁文婷, 何 军, 刘 贝, 王杰英, 王军民 |
利用蓝失谐激光诱导微型光学偶极阱中冷原子间的光助碰撞提高单原子制备概率 | 物理学报 | 2014 | 63(2), 023701 |
150 |
王杰英, 刘 贝, 刁文婷, 靳 刚, 何 军, 王军民 |
磁光阱中单原子荧光信号的优化及单原子的高效装载 | 物理学报 | 2014 | 63(5), 053202 |
149 |
韩亚帅, 温 馨, 白建东, 何 军, 王军民 |
采用铷原子射频频率调制光谱与调制转移光谱对1560n激光经波导倍频至780nm进行稳频的比较 | 光学学报 | 2014 | 34(5), 530002 |
148 |
刘慧丰, 王 杰, 杨 光, 杨保东, 何 军, 王军民 |
铷原子4D5/2态双光子偏振光谱及其在1.5μm激光稳频中的应用 | 中国激光 | 2014 | 41(7), 715004 |
147 |
靳 刚, 温 馨, 杨保东, 何 军, 王军民 |
采用声光频移器反馈控制实现激光强度稳定 | 中国光学 | 2014 | 7(2), p.234~p.239 |
146 |
刁文婷, 何 军, 刘贝, 王杰英, 王军民 |
不同光场的二阶相干度的实验研究 | 量子光学学报 | 2014 | 20(1), p.1-p.7 |
145 |
Bei LIU, Junmin WANG, Wenting DIAO, Jieying WANG, Gang JIN, Jun HE |
Nearly deterministic loading of a single cesium atom in a magneto-optical trap and in a microscopic optical tweezer by feedback control | Proc. SPIE | 2014 | 9136, 91362O |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
144 |
Jinjin DU, Wenfang LI, Gang LI, Junmin WANG, Tiancai ZHANG |
Intensity noise suppression of light field by optoelectronic feedback | Optik | 2013 | 124, p. 3443 |
143 |
Zhi LIU, Jieying WANG, Wenting DIAO, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Characterizing passive CPT resonance in cesium vapor cell filled with neon as buffer gas | Chinese Phys. B | 2013 | 22, 043201 |
142 |
刘慧丰, 王 杰, 杨保东, 温 馨, 靳 刚, 何 军, 王军民 |
铯原子6S1/2-6P1/2-8S1/2阶梯型系统中的电磁感应透明信噪比的提高 | 光学学报 | 2013 | 33, 1030003 |
141 |
刁文婷, 梁强兵, 刘 智, 刘 贝, 王杰英, 葛玉隆, 何 军, 王军民 |
可用于单原子基态相干操控的大失谐位相锁定双色激光系统 | 中国激光 | 2013 | 40, 1102001 |
140 |
温 馨, 刘 智, 王杰英, 刁文婷, 何 军, 王军民 |
相干布居俘获铯原子磁强计对模拟弱磁场的测量 | 量子光学学报 | 2013 | 19, p.312 |
139 |
刘婷婷, 梁强兵, 葛玉隆, 何 军, 王军民 |
基于铯原子气室中超精细态光抽运的频率选择吸收滤波器 | 山西大学学报 | 2013 | 36(1), p.56 |
138 |
梁强兵, 刘婷婷, 刁文婷, 刘 智, 何 军, 王军民 |
中等输出激光功率且位相锁定的大频差双色激光系统 | 山西大学学报 | 2013 | 36(2), p.196 |
137 |
Jie WANG, Junmin WANG, Huifeng LIU, Baodong YANG, Jun HE |
Measurement of hyperfine splitting and determination of hyperfine structure constant of cesium 8S1/2 state by using of ladder-type EIT | Proc. SPIE | 2013 | 8773, 877311 |
136 |
Shanlong GUO, Junmin WANG, Yashuai HAN, Jun HE |
Frequency doubling of cw 1560nm laser with single-pass, double-pass and cascaded MgO:PPLN crystals and frequency locking to Rb D2 line | Proc. SPIE | 2013 | 8772, 87721B |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
135 |
Wenting DIAO, Jun HE, Zhi LIU, Baodong YANG Junmin WANG |
Alternative laser system for cesium MOT via optical injection locking to the side-band of a 9-GHz current-modulated diode laser | Opt. Express | 2012 | 20, p.7480 |
134 |
Baodong YANG, Qiangbing LIANG, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Background-free fluorescence detection of cold atoms in a two-color magneto-optical trap | Opt. Express | 2012 | 20, p.11944 |
133 |
Jing ZHANG, Junmin WANG, Tiancai ZHANG, |
Optical fock-state generation with large number of photons based on atoms coupled to an optical parametric oscillator | J. Opt. Soc. Am. B | 2012 | 29(6), p.1473 |
132 |
Yanqiang GUO , Gang LI , Yanfeng ZHANG , Pengfei ZHANG , Junmin WANG , Tiancai ZHANG |
Efficient fluorescence detection of a single neutral atom with low background in a microscopic optical dipole trap | Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy | 2012 | 55(9), p.1523 |
131 |
Jinjin DU, Wenfang LI, Pengfei ZHANG, Gang LI, Junmin WANG, Tiancai ZHANG |
Experimental progress in the measurement and control of single atom trajectory | Front. Phys. | 2012 | 7(4), p.435 |
130 |
刘 智, 刁文婷, 王杰英, 梁强兵, 杨保东, 何 军, 张天才, 王军民 |
铯原子气室中相干布居俘获的参数依赖关系研究 | 物理学报 | 2012 | 61, 233201 |
129 |
郭善龙, 韩亚帅, 王 杰, 杨保东, 何 军, 王军民 |
1560nm激光经PPLN和PPKTP晶体准位相匹配倍频研究 | 光学学报 | 2012 | 32, 319001 |
128 |
Junmin WANG, Yongjie CHENG, Shanlong GUO, Baodong YANG, Jun HE |
Magic-wavelength optical dipole trap of cesium and rubidium atoms | Proc. SPIE | 2012 | 8440, 84400Q |
127 |
Junmin WANG, Pengfei ZHANG, Gang LI, Tiancai ZHANG |
Realization and application of strong coupling of single cesium atoms with TEM00 and TEM10 modes of a high-finesse Fabry-Perot cavity | Proc. SPIE | 2012 | 8440, 844009 |
126 |
Wenting DIAO, Jun HE, Bei LIU, Junmin WANG |
Towards coherent manipulation of ground states of single cesium atom confined in a microscopic far-off-resonance optical dipole trap | Proc. SPIE | 2012 | 8554, 855408 |
125 |
Tingting LIU, Qiangbing LIANG, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Two kinds of high-contrast optical filters for the detection of Stokes and anti-Stokes photons from cesium ensemble | Proc. SPIE | 2012 | 8554, 85541F |
124 |
Zhi LIU, Jieying WANG, Wenting DIAO, Jun HE, Junmin WANG |
Optimization of the experimental parameters of cesium CPT system | Proc. SPIE | 2012 | 8554, 85541G |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
123 |
Pengfei ZHANG, Yanqiang GUO, Zhuoheng LI, Yuchi ZHANG, Yanfeng ZHANG, Jinjin DU, Gang LI, Junmin WANG, Tiancai ZHANG, |
Elimination of the degenerate trajectory of a single atom strongly coupled to a tilted TEM10 cavity mode | Phys. Rev. A | 2011 | 83(3), 031804(R) |
122 |
Baodong YANG, Jing GAO, Tiancai ZHANG, Junmin WANG |
Electromagnetically induced transparency without a Doppler background in a multi- level ladder-type cesium atomic system | Phys. Rev. A | 2011 | 83(1), 013818 |
121 |
Jun HE, Baodong YANG, Tiancai ZHANG, Junmin WANG |
Improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio of laser-induced-fluorescence photon- counting signals of single-atoms magneto- optical trap | J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. | 2011 | 44(13), 135102 |
120 |
Yanqiang GUO, Rongcan YANG, Gang LI, Pengfei ZHANG, Yuchi ZHANG, Junmin WANG, Tiancai ZHANG |
Nonclassicality characterization in photon statistics based on binary-response single-photon detection | J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. | 2011 | 44(20),205502 |
119 |
Pengfei ZHANG, Yanqiang GUO, Zhuoheng LI, Yuchi ZhANG, Yanfeng ZHANG, Jinjin DU, Gang LI, Junmin WANG, Tiancai ZHANG, |
Temperature determination of cold atoms based on single-atom countings | J. Opt. Soc. Am. B . | 2011 | 28(4),p.667 |
118 |
Jun HE, Baodong YANG, Yongjie CHENG, Tiancai ZHANG, Junmin WANG |
Extending the trapping lifetime of single atom in a microscopic far-off-resonance optical dipole trap | Front. Phys. | 2011 | 6(3), p.262 |
117 |
Jun HE, Baodong YANG, Tiancai ZHANG, Junmin WANG |
Efficient extension of the trapping lifetime of single atoms in an optical tweezer by laser cooling | Physica Scripta | 2011 | 84(2), 025302 |
116 |
Rongcan YANG, Jie LI, Junmin WANG, Tiancai ZHANG, |
Quantum entanglement dynamics of two atoms in quantum light sources | Commun. Theor. Phys. | 2011 | 56(3),p.429 |
115 |
Baodong YANG, Jing GAO, Qiangbing LIANG, Jie WANG, Tiancai ZHANG, Junmin WANG |
Double-resonance optical-pumping effect and ladder-type electromagnetically induced transparency signal without Doppler background in cesium atomic vapor cell | Chinese Phys. B | 2011 | 20(4), 044202 |
114 |
Jun HE, Baodong YANG, Tiancai ZHANG, Junmin WANG |
Extending a release-and-recapture scheme to single atom optical tweezer for effective temperature evaluation | Chinese Phys. B | 2011 | 20(7), 073701 |
113 |
Pengfei ZHANG, Yuchi ZHANG, Gang LI, Jinjin DU, Yanfeng ZHANG, Yanqiang GUO, Junmin WANG, Tiancai ZHANG, Weidong LI |
Sensitive Detection of Individual Neutral Atoms in a Strong Coupling Cavity | Chinese Phys. Lett. | 2011 | 28(4), 044203 |
112 |
杨保东, 高 静, 王 杰, 张天才, 王军民 |
铯原子6S1/2-6P3/2-8S1/2阶梯型系统中超精细能级的多重电磁感应透明 | 物理学报 | 2011 | 60(11), 114207 |
111 |
张艳峰, 李刚, 张玉驰, 张鹏飞, 王军民, 张天才 |
基于减反膜外腔反馈半导体激光器拉曼光的产生 | 物理学报 | 2011 | 60(10), 104206 |
110 |
李卓恒, 李刚, 张玉驰, 张鹏飞, 赵冬梅, 郭龑强, 王军民, 张天才 |
用于铯原子受激拉曼绝热输运过程的光源的产生 | 光学学报 | 2011 | 31(1),0102002 |
109 |
王 杰, 高 静, 杨保东, 张天才, 王军民 |
铷原子饱和吸收光谱与偏振光谱对780nm半导体激光器稳频的比较 | 中国光学 | 2011 | 4(3), p.305 |
108 |
韩亚帅, 刘 岩, 何 军, 王军民 |
两类介质对单色激光的吸收系数的测量与比较 | 量子光学学报 | 2011 | 17(3), p.242 |
107 |
高 静, 王 杰, 杨保东, 张天才, 王军民 |
铷原子双共振激发态光抽运光谱及其在1.5mm半导体激光器稳频中的应用 | 量子光学学报 | 2011 | 17(1), p.64 |
106 |
成永杰, 何 军, 王军民 |
微型光学偶极阱中单原子相干操控Rabi振荡的实现及其应用 | 物理 | 2011 | 40(10), p.664 |
105 |
Junmin WANG, Qiangbing LIANG, Jing GAO, Baodong YANG, Tiancai ZHANG, Kunchi PENG |
SROP and DROP spectra with alkali atomic vapor cell and applications | Proc. SPIE | 2011 | 8072, 80720W |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
104 |
Baodong YANG, Qiangbing LIANG, Jun HE Tiancai ZHANG, Junmin WANG |
Narrow-linewidth double-resonance optical pumping spectrum due to electro- magnetically induced transparency in ladder-type inhomogeneously broadened media | Phys. Rev. A | 2010 | 81(4), 043803 |
103 |
Qiangbing LIANG, Baodong YANG, Tiancai ZHANG, Junmin WANG |
Single-resonance optical pumping spectroscopy and application in dressed-state measurement with atomic vapor cell at room temperature | Opt. Express | 2010 | 18(13), p.13554 |
102 |
Jie LI , Gang LI , Junmin WANG , Shiyao ZHU, Tiancai ZHANG |
A comparison of two nonclassical measures, entanglement potential and the negativity of the Wigner function | J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. | 2010 | 43(8), 085504 |
101 |
Qiangbing LIANG, Baodong YANG, Jianfeng YANG, Tiancai ZHANG, Junmin WANG |
Autler-Townes doublet in the absorption spectra for the transition between excited states of cold cesium atoms | Chinese Phys. B | 2010 | 19(11), 113207 |
100 |
Yuchi ZHANG, Yuan LI, Yanqiang GUO, Gang LI, Junmin WANG, Tiancai ZHANG |
Degree of fourth-order coherence by double Hanbury Brown Twiss detection | Chinese Phys. B | 2010 | 19(8), 084205 |
099 |
赵冬梅, 李志刚, 郭龑强, 李刚, 王军民, 张天才 |
弱抽运下光学参量过程中压缩真空场的光子统计性质 | 物理学报 | 2010 | 59(9), p. 6231 |
098 |
张鹏飞, 李刚, 张玉弛, 杨榕灿, 郭龑强, 李刚, 王军民, 张天才 |
光致原子解吸附对冷原子磁光阱装载的动力学研究 | 物理学报 | 2010 | 59(9), p.6423 |
097 |
杨保东, 梁强兵, 杨建峰, 张天才, 王军民 |
铯原子磁光阱中冷原子的缀饰态光谱 | 光学学报 | 2010 | 30(11), p.3124 |
096 |
成永杰, 邱英, 何军, 张天才, 王军民 |
光学偶极阱中铷原子5S1/2和5P3/2态的AC Stark频移 | 中国光学与应用光学 | 2010 | 3(2), p.119 |
095 |
杨建峰, 杨保东, 高静, 张天才, 王军民 |
1560nm连续光半导体激光器经PPLN倍频及经铷吸收光谱稳频 | 量子光学学报 | 2010 | 16(1), p.41 |
094 |
Junmin WANG, Jun HE, Baodong YANG, Tiancai ZHANG, Kunchi PENG |
Long lifetime of single atom in optical tweezer with laser cooling | Proc. SPIE | 2010 | 7727, 77270U |
093 |
Baodong YANG, Qiangbing LIANG, Tiancai ZHANG, Junmin WANG |
Characterizing double-resonance optical- pumping spectra of cesium 6P3/2 - 8S1/2 excited-state transition and its application | Proc. SPIE | 2010 | 7846, 78460E |
092 |
Jing GAO, Jie WANG, Baodong YANG, Tiancai ZHANG, Junmin WANG |
Double-resonance optical-pumping spectra of rubidium 5S1/2 - 5P3/2 - 4D3/2 transitions and frequency stabilization of 1.5-micro-meter laser | Proc. SPIE | 2010 | 7846, 784618 |
091 |
Shanlong GUO , Jianfeng YANG, Baodong YANG, Tiancai ZHANG , Junmin WANG |
Frequency doubling of 1560nm diode laser via PPLN and PPKTP crystals and frequency stabilization to rubidium absorption line | Proc. SPIE | 2010 | 7846, 784619 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
090 |
Pengfei ZHANG, Gang LI, Yuchi ZHANG, Yanqiang GUO, Junmin WANG, Tiancai ZHANG |
Light-induced atom desorption for cesium loading of a magneto-optical trap:Analysis and experimental investigations | Phys. Rev. A | 2009 | 80, 053420 |
089 |
Baodong YANG, Jiangyan ZHAO, Tiancai ZHANG, Junmin WANG |
Improvement of the spectra signal-to-noise ratio of caesium 6P3/2-8S1/2 transition and its application in laser frequency stabilization | J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. | 2009 | 42, 085111 |
088 |
Jun HE, Jing WANG, Baodong YANG, Tiancai ZHANG, Junmin WANG |
Single atoms transferring between a magneto-optical trap and a far-off-resonance optical dipole trap | Chinese Phys. B | 2009 | 18(8), p.3404 |
087 |
Yuan LI, Yuchi ZHANG, Pengfei ZHANG, Yanqiang GUO, Gang LI, Junmin WANG, Tiancai ZHANG |
Experimental study on coherence time of a light field with single photon countings | Chinese Phys. Lett. | 2009 | 26(7), 074205 |
086 |
Yuchi ZHANG, Gang LI, Pengfei ZHANG, Junmin WANG, Tiancai ZHANG |
Experimental progress in optical manipulation of single atoms for cavity QED | Front. Phys. China | 2009 | 4(2), p.190 |
085 |
刘四平, 张玉驰, 张鹏飞, 李刚, 王军民, 张天才 |
减反膜外腔半导体激光器特性的研究 | 物理学报 | 2009 | 58(1), p.285 |
084 |
李志刚, 张玉驰, 张鹏飞, 李园, 李刚, 王军民, 张天才 |
用扫描激光频率腔衰荡对超低损耗镜片的测量 | 光学学报 | 2009 | 29(3), p.718 |
083 |
王婧, 杨保东, 何军, 赵江艳, 张天才, 王军民 |
采用偏振光谱对外腔半导体激光器稳定时反馈环路带的影响 | 光学学报 | 2009 | 29(2), p.425 |
082 |
赵江艳, 杨保东, 何军, 张天才, 王军民 |
光栅外腔半导体激光器GHZ射频调制特性研究 | 量子光学学报 | 2009 | 15(1), p.84 |
081 |
杨保东, 赵江艳, 梁强兵, 杨建峰, 何军, 张天才, 王军民 |
室温下铯原子6P3/2-8S1/2激发态跃迁的速度选择光谱 | 量子光学学报 | 2009 | 15(2), p.180 |
080 |
李园, 张静, 李志刚, 张玉驰, 李刚, 王军民, 张天才 |
利用高质量单光子和光学腔实现延迟选择实验的方案 | 量子光学学报 | 2009 | 15(3), p.279 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
079 | Junmin WANG, Jing WANG, Shubin YAN, Tao GENG, Tiancai ZHANG |
Transferring cold atoms in double magneto-optical trap by a continuous-wave transfer laser beam with larg red detuning | Rev. Sci. Instrum. | 2008 | 79(12), 123116 |
078 | Jing WANG, Jun HE, Ying QIU, Baodong YANG, Jiangyan ZHAO, Tiancai ZHANG, Junmin WANG |
Observation of single neutral atoms in a large -magnetic-gradient vapour-cell magneto-optical trap | Chinese Phys. B | 2008 | 17(6), p.2062 |
077 | 邱英, 何军, 王彦华, 王婧, 张天才, 王军民 |
三维光学晶格中铯原子的装载与冷却 | 物理学报 | 2008 | 57(10), p.6227 |
076 | 何军, 王婧, 邱英, 王彦华, 张天才, 王军民 |
采用短程飞行时间吸收谱测量冷原子温度时参数误差的影响 | 物理学报 | 2008 | 57(10), p.6221 |
075 | 张静, 李刚, 王军民, 张天才 |
采用强聚焦光学系统实现原子操控的一种方案 | 量子光学学报 | 2008 | 14(2), p.156 |
074 | 王婧, 何军, 闫树斌, 耿涛, 张天才, 王军民 |
大失谐连续输运激光情形下双磁光阱中冷原子的输运 | 量子光学学报 | 2008 | 14(1), p.44 |
073 | 王婧, 何军, 张天才, 王军民 |
单原子冷却及光学操控的实验进展 | 物理 | 2008 | 37(2), p.103 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
072 | Yuan LI, Gang LI, Yuchi ZHANG, Xiaoyong WANG, Jing ZHANG, Junmin WANG, Tiancai ZHANG |
Effects of counting rate and resolution time on a measurement of the intensity correlation function | Phys. Rev. A | 2007 | 76(1), 013829 |
071 | Jing ZHANG, Junmin WANG, Tiancai ZHANG |
Entanglement and nonclassicality evolution of the atom in a squeezed vacuum | Opt. Commun. | 2007 | 277, p.353 |
070 | Jing ZHANG, Tiancai ZHANG, Junmin WANG, Kunchi PENG |
Generation of sub-half-wavelength micro-optical traps by dichroic evanescent standing waves | Chinese Phys. | 2007 | 16(5), p.1295 |
069 | Xiaoling SONG, Zhigang LI, Pengfei ZHANG, Gang LI, Yuchi ZHANG, Junmin WANG, Tiancai ZHANG |
Frequency doubling with periodically poled KTiOPO4 at the fundamental wave of cesium D2 transition | Chinese Opt. Lett. | 2007 | 5(10), p.596 |
068 | 张玉驰, 王晓勇, 李刚, 王军民, 张天才 |
自由运转半导体激光器边模间的强度关联 | 物理学报 | 2007 | 56(4), p.2202 |
067 | 邱英, 王彦华, 王婧, 何军, 张天才, 王军民 |
近共振三维光学晶格中铯原子温度的参数依赖 | 量子光学学报 | 2007 | 13(4), p.267 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
066 | Gang LI, Yuchi ZHANG, Yuan LI, Xiaoyong WANG, Jing ZHANG, Junmin WANG, Tiancai ZHANG |
Precision measurement of ultralow losses of an asymmetric optical microcavity | Appl. Opt. | 2006 | 45(29), p.7628 |
065 | Shubin YAN, Tao GENG, Tiancai ZHANG, Junmin WANG |
Continuously transterring cold atoms in caesium double magneto-optical trap | Chinese Phys. | 2006 | 15(8), p.1746 |
064 | Yanhua WANG, Haiqing YANG, Zhijing DU, Tiancai ZHANG, Junmin WANG |
Autler-Townes doublet in novel sub-Doppler spectra with caesium vapour cell | Chinese Phys. | 2006 | 15(1), p.138 |
063 | Tao LIU, Tao GENG, Shubin YAN, Gang LI, Jing ZHANG, Junmin WANG, Kunchi PENG, Tiancai ZHANG |
Characterizing optical dipole trap via fluorescence of trapped cesium atoms | Science in China (Series G) | 2006 | 49(3), p.273 |
062 | 李园, 李刚, 张玉驰, 王晓勇, 王军民, 张天才 |
计数率和分辨时间对光场统计性质测量的影响-单探测器直接测量的实验分析 | 物理学报 | 2006 | 55(11), p.5779 |
061 | 王彦华, 杨海菁, 张天才, 王军民 |
用吸收法对铯原子磁光阱中冷原子数目的测量 | 物理学报 | 2006 | 55(7), p.3403 |
060 | 杜志静, 张玉驰, 王晓勇, 闫树斌, 张天才, 王军民 |
不同波长的激光器通过法布里-珀罗腔相对于铯原子谱线的锁定 | 光学学报 | 2006 | 26(3), p.452 |
059 | 杨海菁, 王彦华, 张天才, 王军民 |
基于共焦法布里-珀罗腔的无调制激光频率锁定 | 中国激光 | 2006 | 33(3), p.316 |
058 | 闫树斌, 耿涛, 张天才, 王军民 |
用于腔量子电动力学研究的铯原子双磁光阱 | 中国激光 | 2006 | 33(2), p.190 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
057 | Gang LI, Tiancai ZHANG, Yuan LI, Junmin WANG |
Photon statistics of light fields based on single-photon-counting modules | Phys. Rev. A | 2005 | 71(2), 023807 |
056 | Tao GENG, Gang LI, Yuchi ZHANG, Junmin WANG, Tiancai ZHANG |
Phase noise of diode laser in self-mixing interferece | Opt. Express | 2005 | 12(16), p.5904 |
055 | Yanhua WANG, Haiqing YANG, Tiancai ZHANG, Junmin WANG |
Experimental observation of pump-probe spectra of caesium D2 line with a vapour cell | Chinese Phys. | 2005 | 14(6), p.1120 |
054 | 耿涛, 闫树斌, 王彦华, 杨海菁, 张天才, 王军民 |
用短程飞行时间吸收谱对铯磁光阱中冷原子温度的测量 | 物理学报 | 2005 | 54(11), p.5104 |
053 | 王彦华, 王军民, 闫树斌, 刘涛, 张天才 |
铯原子Lambda型塞曼子能级结构中的电磁诱导透明 | 中国激光 | 2005 | 32(1), p.16 |
052 | Gang LI, Tiancai ZHANG, Yuan LI, Junmin WANG |
Correction of photon statistics of quantum states in single photon detection | Proc. SPIE | 2005 | 5631, p.134 |
051 | Shubin YAN, Zhijing DU, Haijing YANG, Tiancai ZHANG, Junmin WANG |
Two Schemes of Modulation-Free Frequency Stabilization of Grating-External-Cavity Diode Laser via Cesium Sub-Doppler Spectra | Proc. SPIE | 2005 | 6028, 602811 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
050 | Junmin WANG, Yanhua WANG, Shubin YAN, Tao LIU, Tiancai ZHANG |
Observation of sub-Doppler absorption in the Λ-type three-level Doppler-broadened cesium system | Appl. Phys. B | 2004 | 78, p.217 |
049 | Junmin WANG, Shubin YAN, Yanhua WANG, Tao LIU, Tiancai ZHANG |
Modulation-Free Frequency Stabilization of a Grating-External-Cavity Diode Laser by Magnetically Induced sub-Doppler Dichroism in Cesium Vapor Cell | Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. | 2004 | 43, p.1168 |
048 | Shubin YAN, Tao LIU, Tao GENG, Tiancai ZHANG, Kunchi PENG, Junmin WANG |
Absorption spectroscopy of cold caesium atoms confined in a magneto-optical trap | Chinese Phys. | 2004 | 13(10), p.1669 |
047 | Gang LI, Liping LI, Zhijing DU, Tao LIU, Junmin WANG, Tiancai ZHANG |
Ultra-Low Mean-Photon-Number Measurement with Balanced Optical Heterodyne Detection | Chinese Phys. Lett. | 2004 | 21(4), p.671 |
046 | 刘涛, 张天才, 王军民, 彭堃墀 |
高精细度光学微腔中原子的偶极俘获 | 物理学报 | 2004 | 53(5), p.1346 |
045 | 李利平, 李刚, 刘涛, 张天才, 王军民 |
超高精细度光学腔中低损耗的测量 | 物理学报 | 2004 | 53(5), p.1401 |
044 | 王彦华, 闫树斌, 王军民, 刘涛, 张天才, 李刚 |
铯原子气室中简并二能级系统的电磁诱导吸收 | 中国激光 | 2004 | 31(9), p.1065 |
043 | 闫树斌, 王彦华, 刘涛, 张天才, 王军民 |
声光偏频亚多普勒光谱无调制激光频率锁定 | 光学学报 | 2004 | 24(10), p.1335 |
042 | 耿涛, 李刚, 王军民, 张天才 |
腔量子电动力学与量子信息过程 | 量子电子学报 | 2004 | 21(6), p.719 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
041 | Hongxiang LEI, Tao LIU, Liping LI, Shubin YAN, Junmin WANG, Tiancai ZHANG |
CW blue light generaion at 429nm by utlizing second harmonic process with KNbO3 | Chinese Opt. Lett. | 2003 | 1(3), p.177 |
040 | 刘涛, 李利平, 闫树斌, 雷宏香, 张天才, 王军民 |
铯原子D2线调转移光谱的实验研究 | 中国激光 | 2003 | 30(9), p.791 |
039 | 张靖, 陶桦, 卫栋, 董雅宾, 耿涛, 王军民, 彭堃墀 |
Rb原子饱和吸收稳频半导体激光器系统 | 光学学报 | 2003 | 23(2), p.197 |
038 | 刘涛, 闫树斌, 李利平, 雷宏香, 张天才, 王军民 |
铯原子调制转移光谱在激光稳频中的应用 | 光子学报 | 2003 | 32(1), p.5 |
037 | 张天才, 王军民, 彭堃墀 |
光学腔量子电动力学的实验进展 | 物理 | 2003 | 32(11), p.751 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
Production of a Bose Einstein condensate of metastable helium atoms | Eur. Phys. J. D | 2002 | 19, p.103 |
035 | 刘涛, 雷宏香, 闫树斌, 李利平, 张天才, 王军民 |
激光二极管相对于铯饱和吸收D2线的无调制扰动三次谐波锁频 | 光学学报 | 2002 | 22(10), p.1181 |
034 | Tao LIU, Junmin WANG, Hongxiang LEI, Shubin YAN, Liping LI, Tiancai ZHANG |
Frequency Stabilization of DBR Laser Diode to Cesium D2 Line by the Third-Order Deviation Locking without Dither | Proc. SPIE | 2002 | 4913, p.172 |
033 | Hongxiang LEI, Tao LIU, Liping LI, Shubin YAN, Junmin WANG, Tiancai ZHANG |
External Cavity Frequency-Doubler from 858nm to 429nm by Using KNbO3 Crystal | Proc. SPIE | 2002 | 4914, p.220 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
Bose-Einstein Condensation of Metastable Helium | Phys. Rev. Lett | 2001 | 86(16), p.3459 |
Penning collisions of laser-cooled metastable helium atoms | Eur. Phys. J. D | 2001 | 14, p.15 |
Efficient magneto-optical trapping of a metastable helium gas | European Physical Journal: Applied Physics | 2001 | 14, p.69 |
029 | Jing ZHANG, Tiancai ZHANG, Ruifang DONG, Junxiang ZHANG, Junmin WANG, Changde XIE, Kunchi PENG |
Influence of birefringence induced at low temperature on balanced detection of polarization-dependent photon-number squeezing and its optical compensation |
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B | 2001 | 18(7), p.1014 |
028 | 王军民, 贺凌翔, 刘涛, 张天才, 彭堃墀 |
可调谐振幅压缩光的产生及其在频率调制光谱中的应用 | 光学学报 | 2001 | 21(5), p.525 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
027 | Junmin WANG, Lingxiang HE, Tiancai ZHANG, Changde XIE, Kunchi PENG |
Generation of Tunable Amplitude-Squeezed Light by Injection Locking of a Laser Diode | Chinese Phys. Lett. | 2000 | 17(6), p.422 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
026 | 王军民, 杨炜东, 谢常德, 彭堃墀 |
闪耀光栅弱反馈GaAlAs单模半导体激光器的频率调谐特性 | 光学学报 | 1999 | 19(4), p.463 |
025 | 王军民, 张天才, 谢常德, 彭堃墀 |
LD相对于铯原子超精细跃迁线的偏频锁定 | 中国激光 | 1999 | 26(3), p.248 |
024 | 王军民, 张天才, 杨炜东, 刘海峰, 王克廷, 韩如春 |
用于铯原子磁光阱的超高真空系统 | 真空 | 1999 | (4), p.29 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
023 | Junmin WANG, Tiancai ZHANG, Weidong YANG, Lingxiang HE, Haifeng LIU, Changde XIE, Kunchi PENG |
Magneto-Optical Trap Loaded from an Ultrahigh-Vaccum Vapor Cell of Cesium Atoms | Acta Sinica Quantum Optica | 1998 | 4(4), p.229 |
022 | 王军民, 张天才, 杨炜东. 贺凌翔, 刘海峰, 谢常德, 彭堃墀 |
采用原子汽室磁光阱技术实现铯原子的激光冷却与俘获 | 光学学报 | 1998 | 18(12), p.1770 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
021 | 杨炜东, 王军民, 谢常德, 彭堃墀 |
外腔任意反馈半导体激光器的频率调谐特 | 量子光学学报 | 1997 | 3(2), p.115 |
020 | 张俊香, 王军民, 杨炜东, 张天才 |
原子动量的量子测量 | 量子光学学报 | 1997 | 3(4), p.214 |
019 | 张天才, 王军民, 侯占佳, 谢常德, 彭堃墀 |
外腔半导体激光器中反馈耦合系数及介质吸收系数的测量 | 量子光学学报 | 1997 | 3(4), p.242 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
018 | Kuanshou ZHANG Changde XIE, Ruixiang GUO Junmin WANG, Kunchi PENG |
Laser diode pumped Nd:MgO:LiNbO3 self-frequency-doubling laser | Appl. Opt. | 1996 | 35(18), p.2200 |
017 | Mengjia SUN, Junmin WANG, Jianming ZHAO, Minqian LI |
Methylene-blue-sensitized gelatin holograms | Appl. Opt. | 1996 | 35(29), p.5776 |
016 | Tiancai ZHANG, Zhanjia HOU, Junmin WANG, Changde XIE, Kunchi PENG |
Generation of intensity squeezing in laser diode by weak external cavity feedback | Chinese Phys. Lett. | 1996 | 13(10), p.734 |
015 | 王军民, 李瑞宁, 杨炜东, 谢常德, 徐天华 |
激光二极管直接耦合泵浦的Nd:YVO4激光器连续运转和高重复率被动调Q运转 | 中国激光 | 1996 | A23(12), p.1057 |
014 | 王军民, 李瑞宁, 郭蕊香, 谢常德, 彭堃墀 |
激光二极管直接耦合泵浦的高效率Nd:YVO4/KTP腔内倍频激光器 | 光学学报 | 1996 | 16(10), p.1389 |
013 | Tiancai ZHANG, Zhanjia HOU, Junmin WANG, Changde XIE, Kunchi PENG |
Intensity squeezing in semiconductor lasers | Proc. SPIE | 1996 | 2778, p.850 |
012 | Jianming ZHAO, Minqian LI, Jinfang PAN, Junmin WANG, Mengjia SUN |
Investigation of MBG holograms under the optimum conditions | Proc. SPIE | 1996 | 2866, p.177 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
011 | 李瑞宁, 王军民, 谢常德, 彭堃墀 |
连续钛宝石激光器波长调谐特性及斜效率的测量 | 中国激光 | 1995 | A22(2), p.95 |
010 | 王军民, 李瑞宁, 谢常德, 彭堃墀 |
连续钛宝石激光器最佳透射率的测量 | 光学学报 | 1995 | 15(11), p.1572 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
009 | 王军民, 梁晓燕, 李瑞宁, 谢常德, 彭堃墀 |
四镜环形腔连续稳频钛宝石激光器 | 中国激光 | 1994 | A21(10), p.773 |
008 | 王军民, 梁晓燕, 李瑞宁 |
一种可用于可调谐环形Ti:Al2O3激光器的宽带单向器 | 激光与红外 | 1994 | 24(1), p.31 |
007 | 王军民, 李瑞宁, 梁晓燕 |
Nd:MgO:LiNbO3晶体的荧光光谱及其双晶体腔内互倍频实验 | 激光杂志 | 1994 | 15(1), p.33 |
006 | 王军民, 李瑞宁 |
氩激光纵向激励的连续钛宝石激光系统中泵浦光束的像散与补偿 | 山西大学学报(自然科学版) | 1994 | 17(4), p.397 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
005 | Ruining LI, Changde XIE, Junmin WANG, Xiaoyan LIANG, Kunchi PENG, Guanfeng XU |
CW Nd:MgO:LiNbO3 self-frequency-doubling laser at room temperature | IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics | 1993 | 29(9), p.2419 |
004 | Ruining LI, Junmin WANG, Xiaoyan LIANG, Changde XIE, Kunchi PENG, Guanfeng XU |
CW self- frequency-doubling laser operating on Nd:MgO:LiNbO3 high-gain polarization | Chinese Phys. Lett. | 1993 | 10(4), p.231 |
003 | 李瑞宁, 王军民, 梁晓燕, 谢常德, 彭堃墀, 徐观峰 |
高输出连续Nd:MgO:LiNbO3自倍频激光器 | 中国激光 | 1993 | A20(7), p.486 |
002 | 王军民, 李瑞宁, 梁晓燕, 谢常德, 彭堃墀, |
四镜折叠腔波长可调谐连续Ti:Al2O3激光器 | 激光与红外 | 1993 | 23(4), p.27 |
编号(number) | 作者 (Authors) |
论文题目 (Paper Titles) | 学术刊物名称 (Journal) | 年份 (Year) | 卷,页码或编号 (Vol./No./Pages) |
001 | Ruining LI, Junmin WANG, Xiaoyan LIANG, Changde XIE, Kunchi PENG, Guanfeng XU |
High-efficient CW Nd:MgO:LiNbO3 self-frequency-doubling laser | Proc. SPIE | 1992 | 1926, p.519 |